a custom pickguard- i need to make a template, its all new to me...


so i've decided to get a custom pickguard. its for a korina master from warmoth, currently a virgin to any electronics, sporting the simple black 1ply from warmoth.

I've contacted a few sites, that do custom guards in various materials, but they request i send them a template, for what i'm suggesting.
It's not going to be a plastic guard, either metal or wood, or well, anything really. but i'd rather do it now while the guitar is open (i'm starting adding pickps) so that i can get measurements from it.
I thought somebody on this board might have had to do this before, so here's what i'm trying to do:

taking the measurements off the warmoth guard- the parts like pickup routes that wouldn't fit an american pickguard, then I want to add and change:

-the bridge route-overlaying a fender traditional route that extends around the bridge. (and mabye a few other things when i get an avri guard(or accurate template) for comparison.
- changing the switching- instead of the toggle, somewhere between 3 and 5 slide switches, similar to a jag minus the chrome, possibly in a different place. (becuase i want more wiring options...)

where do i start! I've got no scanner at the moment, but card and pencil seems the right thing to start off with- i'll map out the outline of the guard and the guitar's cavities so i know where to put the new controls. the problem is marking where and what type of screw holes i'll need.
then i guess i post off the finished design, or create something on the computer to send. I'm not even sure what they really want in terms of a template at all actually; the few i contacted seemed reluctant to work something out.

any tips?
Hey Trevor...... :icon_biggrin: