
2011 Gear Wish List

jalane said:
Those UA's are great.  I was just thinking i should add one of those Seventh Circle Audio preamp kits to my wishlist.  What kind of studio monitors are you looking at?

I have to soak my head in all that monitor hub-bub again, but I recall a certain Rokit (?) and a few others.

Nuffin' fancy, but will do the job.  Something that'll take me to the 3rd stone from the sun, man.  :laughing7:
Superlizard said:
jalane said:
Those UA's are great.  I was just thinking i should add one of those Seventh Circle Audio preamp kits to my wishlist.  What kind of studio monitors are you looking at?

I have to soak my head in all that monitor hub-bub again, but I recall a certain Rokit (?) and a few others.

Nuffin' fancy, but will do the job.  Something that'll take me to the 3rd stone from the sun, man.   :laughing7:

:laughing7:  fwiw, i have a pair of Event TR-8's that are pretty good.  I've also heard the TR-5's before, and i would suggest avoiding them.  I've also had the pleasure of mixing on some Genelec's and Dynaudio's before, and now see why they're 4x as expensive as the "prosumer" stuff i have.
I was at the Carvin factory last weekend while we were down there visiting my wife's dad, and I was flat out FLOORED by this little beastie:

My experience with Carvin's SS amps has left me less than impressed, but that was a lotta years ago, too. I imagine things have improved, probably dramatically. Then, $300? Damn! That's a helluva lotta amp for $300. I mean, that's better than buying two Celestion Vintage 30s and getting a new amp thrown in for free. If you liked the way it sounds, you may wanna take advantage. I don't even need an amp, and I'm tempted.
My experience with SS amps in general has been lousy, but I haven't played Carvin's SS stuff before now.  I was very very favorably impressed by what I encountered.  I'll say this:  I don't generally play very high gain, so I can't really opine as to what happens when you get into thrash metal territory.  But for hard rock/blooz stuff, it was very tasty indeed.

So... go for it! What's the worst thing that could happen? You don't like it, and put it on Craig's List for $250. It'll move the same day at that price. Call the month or two you try falling in love with it "rent" @ $25/mo. Still a fantastic deal, and educational for you and others.
I just want my own Dual Rec.

Actually, first I want to sell my place, and then buy a new one out in the sticks, with a basement... so I can buy a dual rec to put in it.
Cagey said:
So... go for it! What's the worst thing that could happen? You don't like it, and put it on Craig's List for $250. It'll move the same day at that price. Call the month or two you try falling in love with it "rent" @ $25/mo. Still a fantastic deal, and educational for you and others.

Not this month.  I seem to actually be getting restarted on my Tele build!
Death by Uberschall said:
I wish I could get all my stolen stuff back.  :sad:

But in the mean time,

New Warmoth guitar, already spec'ed out


Bogner 20th XTC


Fortin NATAS

If you jam on that Fortin in the mirror, it says Satan on it.... :evil4:
DangerousR6 said:
If you jam on that Fortin in the mirror, it says Satan on it.... :evil4:

Yeah, we need that. There's just not enough devil worship in the world <grin>
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
I wish I could get all my stolen stuff back.  :sad:

But in the mean time,

New Warmoth guitar, already spec'ed out


Bogner 20th XTC


Fortin NATAS

If you jam on that Fortin in the mirror, it says Satan on it.... :evil4:
That's actually where the name came from, SATAN reversed.  :toothy12:
Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
I wish I could get all my stolen stuff back.  :sad:

But in the mean time,

New Warmoth guitar, already spec'ed out


Bogner 20th XTC


Fortin NATAS

If you jam on that Fortin in the mirror, it says Satan on it.... :evil4:
That's actually where the name came from, SATAN reversed.  :toothy12:
This must be your drummer.... :icon_biggrin:
Just want to build a nice lefty tele.  Oh yeah and maybe an axefx.  Oh yeah and maybe new amp. 
I watched a promo video of a friend of mine - and I want some of his skills! He's just insane!
Wish I could do this!