
2011 Gear Wish List

- 112 tube combo
- the beginnings of a pedal board
- Hagström Viking Tremar
- Tanglewood TW130 CE (all mahogany acoustic)
- mic for vocals
- vibrato bridge and new bridge pickup for my Hagström Swede

- Warmoth LP with lots of "exotic" woods
- Greco/Burny Les Paul clone, either Custom or Standard
- Ceriatone head, Hiwatt 50W and/or Dumble 50W clone, with 212 Avatar cab(s)
- completed pedal board
- finding a really good band to play with

However I realised yesterday I've already gotten anything I could ever want when my girlfriend moved in with me. And then she suggested I hang my guitars on the living room wall. If that is not female perfection I don't know what is!
I think I'm going to take lessons this year, because I suck.

Seriously, I have 3 decent and one awesome guitar.  I have some nice pedals. I could use a nicer amp, but the reality is that the weak link in the chain is my playing. I have a feeling this will be more expensive over time than any piece of gear would be, but I think it's really what I need.

Although I might get a new amp.
Jet-Jaguar said:
I think I'm going to take lessons this year, because I suck.

Seriously, I have 3 decent and one awesome guitar.  I have some nice pedals. I could use a nicer amp, but the reality is that the weak link in the chain is my playing. I have a feeling this will be more expensive over time than any piece of gear would be, but I think it's really what I need.

Although I might get a new amp.

may I suggest taking classical guitar lessons? I did for a year, and it improved my playing immensely (even tho I don't play classical). you get forced to know different music and styles, wile still improving the essentials like dexterity, speed, form, etc.
B3Guy said:
may I suggest taking classical guitar lessons? I did for a year, and it improved my playing immensely (even tho I don't play classical). you get forced to know different music and styles, wile still improving the essentials like dexterity, speed, form, etc.
I hadn't even thought of that. I always assumed you'd have to be enrolled in a conservatory or something like that to take classical lessons. Is that a normal thing, to be able to take classical guitar lessons?

edited for grammar.
Wish list?  Hmmm, this could go on for a while...

Finish the Deluxe Reverb
Finish the Surf Jazz Master
Finish the Leslie Refurb
Build a Blonde Tele
Build a Gold Top
Get a DC30 Clone
Get a Champ Clone
Get a mixer for the keyboards
Get an Amp for the keyboards
Get a stand for the keyboards

There is a start...  To finish up, just a couple of notes:
--- Tonar, No Esquire?
--- As far as Ceriatone amps go, the transformers are not that great.  They are not bad, but to keep the prices in a good area, that is the weak point of the amp.  Heyboer makes a model of most of the transformers for those amps, but you might have to ask.  Mojo Tone now distributes Heyboer, but you can call them if it is not something that Mojo has in stock.  Also after much debate, Heyboer are approximately the same as Mercury, but at half the price.
--- Max, I know your list is more extensive than that.

All this talk about, "The Waffle," makes me think we should be mentioning Maple Syrup a bit more...

Jet-Jaguar said:
B3Guy said:
may I suggest taking classical guitar lessons? I did for a year, and it improved my playing immensely (even tho I don't play classical). you get forced to know different music and styles, wile still improving the essentials like dexterity, speed, form, etc.
I hadn't even thought of that. I always assumed you'd have to be enrolled in a conservatory or something like that to take classical lessons. Is that a normal thing, to be able to take classical guitar lessons?

edited for grammar.

IDK, I just found a guy down the road who gives lessons, he does a lot of folk/bluegrass too, but he's a music prof. at NW College here in MN, so he mostly is a classical kinda dude.
Patrick from Davis said:
--- Max, I know your list is more extensive than that.
That was just a more realistic wish list :P

Yeah, I could put tons of amps and guitar plans in there too.
I want 2 new mesa boogies. a mark 5 and the roadking, with a cabinet to match. Most likely build by a dutch cab-builder (best...cabs...in..the WORLD!!!)

oh, and more time to play!
Added Wish/Plan:
- I've been reading up on the Sandy Bridge launch and now I'm really itching for a new computer... I've had mine for almost 5 years and it's getting a bit overwhelmed lately.
1. Vox-inspired amp, either the Heritage Handwired AC30 or possibly a Nolatone CL30 (the Chimey Limey) [youtube=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQBmFw2-jk[/youtube]

2. The remaining parts needed for my telecaster build (have the body, just ordered the neck, need everything else)

3. Perhaps a Wampler Ecstasy overdrive [youtube=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRWkMguMinQ[/youtube]
1. Squareneck Resonator
2. Better Lap Steel
3. One more amp - probably a 15ish watt tube combo
4. 12 string

That's BEFORE I buy any warmoths. I'm serious this time....
Warmoth Strat (A "Black strat" replica with a few pesonal changes)
Boss GT10 (A lot of pedals would be nice to, but I don`t need it for my use I guess. And most important, don`t have the money)
1: A 125cc motorcycle :icon_biggrin:
2: Warmoth soloist (Gonna paint piano black with automotive paint)
3: A new Floyd Rose, and some EMG-pups for my HSS Kramer
4: New pups for my Ibanez, also new tuners and bridge, just for good measure :glasses10:
5: Peavey 6505 Head and Cab
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
1: A 125cc motorcycle :icon_biggrin:
2: Warmoth soloist (Gonna paint piano black with automotive paint)
3: A new Floyd Rose, and some EMG-pups for my HSS Kramer
4: New pups for my Ibanez, also new tuners and bridge, just for good measure :glasses10:
5: Peavey 6505 Head and Cab
If you lived here, you could have 1-3 of that wish list
Wana's made a guitar said:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
1: A 125cc motorcycle :icon_biggrin:
2: Warmoth soloist (Gonna paint piano black with automotive paint)
3: A new Floyd Rose, and some EMG-pups for my HSS Kramer
4: New pups for my Ibanez, also new tuners and bridge, just for good measure :glasses10:
5: Peavey 6505 Head and Cab
If you lived here, you could have 1-3 of that wish list
Argh... :tard:
1) A Carvin Legacy head, 4x12 cabinet, and 2x12 cabinet
2) To set up a home computer-based recording studio with Mixcraft, some Mackie speakers, and an M-Audio or Prosonus audio interface
3) A white Fender Strat with a rosewood fingerboard or finally build a Warmoth Strat (sonic blue hardtail with a maple fingerboard)!
- Goldtop Agile 3k (already snarfed)
- Warmoouth Firechicken
- Warmoouth S.uper G.rover
- 18 watt Marshall style amp kit (the ones you slap together)
- a pair of studio monitors
- and one o' these:

Superlizard said:
- Goldtop Agile 3k (already snarfed)
- Warmoouth Firechicken
- Warmoouth S.uper G.rover
- 18 watt Marshall style amp kit (the ones you slap together)
- a pair of studio monitors
- and one o' these:


Those UA's are great.  I was just thinking i should add one of those Seventh Circle Audio preamp kits to my wishlist.  What kind of studio monitors are you looking at?