
2011 Gear Wish List

Oh yeah, I sold my Guild Jumbo (it was a JN-4, not the 212 below) in college. And I miss it.

Fat bottom Guilds make the rockin world go round!

Of course, a Taylor 616ce would work too, but it's not as funny.
An EBS Neoline 112 cabinet.

Together with my recently acquired Markbass Little Mark II amp would that make an ultra portable, ultra loud rig.

That would be pretty much it for this year.
My wife's 15 weeks pregnant of our first and that has a higher priority than yet another bass. Don't feel sorry for me. This is by far the best thing that could have happened to us. :-)
Trying to stick to what I would realistically hope to do next in each category:

Electric: EIR topped hollow VIP, 2 f-holes on a walnut \ curly maple back with a curly maple \ ebony W neck with cream binding + pearl blocks, SD charlie christian in the neck, Ghost in the bridge (archtop bridge with TOM on top) benedetto tailpiece - you know it's going to happen cause I'm gonna win the raffle.

Bass: Les Godfrey Dragonetti with all purpleheart fretless neck, Nordstrands.

Acoustic: Martin all mahogany.

Archtop: yes please.
Amp: ANYTHING WITH TUBES - blues Jr will do.
Effect: Just a basic TS9 would be great
Accessories - I'm with Max: more stands, maybe a music room!
Woodworking tool: An overhead pin router, jointer or really wide sander.

Hand-tool: a good block plane.
AAAAAANNNNDDD: the time to finish my bass, play guitar, spend time with the fam and do some woodworking ( :laughing7: like that's ever going to happen!)

EDIT: Yay! I just turned senior! 250 posts! Let's have a party!
(voice in the background: "someone take the exclamation mark away from that fool, and give him a norwegian grandma sweater since he's so proud to be senior")
Max said:
Tonarcaster (please oh please!  :icon_jokercolor:)
Something LP-ish. Probably not warmoth, might have it built on a CNC.
'56 Super Amp build
Delay pedal
vibrato pedal
BYOC Large Beaver
BYOC Tube Screamer


Andreas' granny lamb-sweater

I'd like an Egnater 412 cabinet and that's really all I need right now.

Oh, a sweet LED lighting rig would be nice.
1. Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
2. ENGL Powerball
3. A couple of cardigans made by Moods Of Norway! Damn I love those things!
4. Diezel Schmidt
5. Diezel Einstein 50W top
6. More warmoth geetars
Purple guitar of some kind

An overdrive I'm actually fully satisfied with
A timmy once I get to the top of the list
A better delay
A 1x12 cab for my amp
I'm gonna be easy this year. I just want/am planning for an Axe FX. And maybe a little carry gun, in case someone needs killin' <grin>
Warmoth Korina/Zebra lam CT LP
Warmoth Sonic Blue JM
Peavey 6505+ 112
Ted Weber 5F2A
Digitech Whammy
a couple BYOC pedals
I want/am starting to collect my tools to start building guitars. I love Warmoths, but I've always wanted more.

Also I would love,
-Ibanez RG
-Warmoth Soloist
-Warmoth Les Paul
-Peavey 3120, or a 15 watt-ish amp
-A nice 1x12 or 2x12 cabinet
In no particular order:

2011 Epiphone Nighthawk (not out yet - but I know I want one!)

Eventide Pitchfactor

Agile 820 12-string (already ordered - delivery in May)

Something to put those Suhr DSV+ humbuckers in I recently bought on sale.  :icon_scratch:
mullyman said:
Death by Uberschall said:
I wish I could get all my stolen stuff back.  :sad:

Dude, that ranks as the number one  suck ass story of 2010. I feel horrible for you, man. I hope whoever did it gets caught and has nails driven through his privates.

+100000  :sad:
at least one new W

I need to get a proper DAW with the latest version of sonar set up... this should really be my top priority

Proper tools.. I want to give making bodies from scratch a go this year...
I always preferred making wish lists instead of resolutions at New Years.

#1) My first W build: S-S-S strat w/tigers eye quilt maple on swamp ash, pau ferro neck with brazilian rosewood fingerboard.

#2) Buying back a few of my old pedals that I sold to a friend when I thought I would never play again. He said he's been holding them because he knew I would want them back when I found out the docs were wrong and I had healed. Don't know how he knew that would happen, but he was right. So that'd be my old Fulltone Clyde wah, EB vol pedal and Fulltone Fat Boost. And the Furman board they're stuck on.

#3) Was going to be a MetroAmp 1959 Superlead Plexi kit, but I just found out that George has had to stop selling kits.  :(  Now I need to find a different amp kit that I want (This is going to be the year of DIY firsts for me).

#4) Finally find my ideal chorus pedal (or maybe multiple modulations pedal). It's my friggin holy grail. Been chasing the right chorus sound for over a decade and still haven't found the right one. Maybe I'm too picky?
Damon said:
#3) Was going to be a MetroAmp 1959 Superlead Plexi kit, but I just found out that George has had to stop selling kits.  :(  Now I need to find a different amp kit that I want (This is going to be the year of DIY firsts for me).

I don't know if you're aware of them, but Ceriatone makes a lot of clone kits available in a variety of configurations for very reasonable prices. You'd probably do better getting your Plexi there than from Metro anyway. They're a highly thought of supplier that everybody raves about. I've been threatening to build a JCM800 for several years now... dunno what I'm waiting for.
I have everything I need as far as instruments, but I would LOVE:

40s Epiphone Zephyr
60s Fender Princeton
MarkBass head, the one with the 2 separate inputs and the tube/ss preamp combo.

Cagey said:
I don't know if you're aware of them, but Ceriatone makes a lot of clone kits available in a variety of configurations for very reasonable prices.

I've looked at them. My biggest concern is shipping, given that they're in SE Asia. Not that shipping anything 50+ lbs is cheap whether international or not, but if the shipping makes the overall cost close to just buying a boutique amp, then I start to lose some interest in the whole kit idea. I like DIY, but partly for the bang for the buck part of it.
Yeah, one time I came damn close to ordering a JCM800, but the shipping stopped me. Just outrageous.

The transformers are the killers, weight-wise. So, get one of the kits that don't include those. Shipping gets reasonable, and there are a number of places you can get the appropriate parts here.