
Recent content by Wampa_One

  1. W

    Dean Razorbacks!

    I couldn't agree more. My friend just got a razorback for his birthday a week ago. That thing plays like a dream! I absolutely love those huge v headstocks
  2. W

    Dimarzio D Activator

    Thanks for that link Jule. It really helped My decision. I must agree with SpookyTooth. It doesn't really match my tastes either. I think i'll stick with a duncan 59 in the neck And by the way CD, I actually cried when i first laid eyes on the "crypt keeper" pic But i sort anti-cried when i...
  3. W

    String-Through Bridge

    OK The tonepros TOM sounds like a good idea. But i've been looking on the tonepros website and am confused about the different models. What do you guys think i should use? Remember, i'm going to make the body from scratch so i'm also looking for an easier installation. I'm pretty sure that i...
  4. W

    String-Through Bridge

    Thanks for your help guys. My second question was going to be "were can i get that tailpiece?" But thanks to dudesweet that question is already answered. Also, would you guys recommend another bridge other than the standard tune-o-matic for this project?
  5. W

    String-Through Bridge

    I've decided to build a guitar for my senior project in high school. I was informed that in order to make the project legit, is to at least carve my own body. I was originally plannin to make a body similar  to a Dean ML. But i later realized that it may be slightly too complicated to do with my...
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    Dimarzio D Activator

    Actually, that issue is were i got the idea from. The review was pretty good so i was wondering if i could get a second opinion. Speaking of that issue, Eddie is lookin great isn't he?
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    Ibanez Replacement Bodies/Necks

    I would totally dig it if Warmoth offered these parts. My friend has an RG and i find it quite a bit easier to play than my strat(although it doesn't sound as geat!) I love how the neck joint makes the higher frets alot easier to reach. I believe that could be a good selling point for Warmoth
  8. W

    Dean Razorbacks!

    I'm not that much of a fan of the razorback V's. But I do like the um....regular razorbacks. But I guess they do have a limited appeal so I would understand why Warmoth wouldn't offer them. I think it would be cool for Warmoth to offer an ML body style.
  9. W

    Dimarzio D Activator

    Do any of you guys have experience with this pickup? I'm thinkin of puttin one in the neck pos of my next project. The web page http://dimarzio.com/ seems to say that they have many of the good qualities of an active pickup but with the advantages of a passive. I also know that Ibanez's new...
  10. W

    Semour Duncan Dimebucker

    Thanks for all the help guys. I've decided that I want somethin different in the neck pos then what dimebag had. I'm intrigued by dimarzio's d activator pickups. I will post another thread asking about them
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    Semour Duncan Dimebucker

    THanks alot for your help. I am also a huge dime fan. At my highschool I have to do a culminating project that is due in my senior year. I am planning to make a sort of Dime tribute guitar. I will try to carve out an ML out of a piece of alder or basswood. I was originally planning to put a...
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    Semour Duncan Dimebucker

    Oh... I see. So I can tell that the dimebucker is at least based on the 500xl. But is it like an exact copy? If not, which one would you recommend? 
  13. W

    Semour Duncan Dimebucker

    Thanks for the help guys. I was wonderiing if the 500XL is any good for Heavy metal. That was the main reason why I was intrigued by the dimebucker
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    Semour Duncan Dimebucker

    Have any of you guys had experience with this pickup? I am thinking about putting one of these in the bridge position for a future build. I'm either gonna use alder or basswood for the body
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    Wood Samples

    First of all, I really appreciate all of you guys taking time out of your day to help people I was wondering how i would get my hands on some wood samples. I have never made a guitar before and would like to practice painting and dying different woods. I'm not really interested in ordering...