what's a blck ice cap do tone wise? thanks :icon_biggrin:Shmoopie said:yeah go with it, it was used by the best metal guitarist ever arty07: it has a high dc resistance, and a high resonance peak. so lots of tone.
my first warmoth guitar will have one and a sd distortion, with a black ice capacitor wired to the tone knobs.
so would you say it's kinda like a preamp boost. something like what EMG/ Kerri king uses?allium_sativum said:The black ice overdrive is not a capacitor, it is a passive clipping circuit sold by Stewart Mac. If you have high output pickups it adds distortion to you sound with out a batteries or other effects. Although using a Schottky Diode like a STMicroelectronics BAT46 will do the same thing and it is much cheaper.
I tried this on the strat I just built. I will post sound clips and other information about what I learned when I get time.
ELECTRIC FUNERAL said:so would you say it's kinda like a preamp boost. something like what EMG/ Kerri king uses?allium_sativum said:The black ice overdrive is not a capacitor, it is a passive clipping circuit sold by Stewart Mac. If you have high output pickups it adds distortion to you sound with out a batteries or other effects. Although using a Schottky Diode like a STMicroelectronics BAT46 will do the same thing and it is much cheaper.
I tried this on the strat I just built. I will post sound clips and other information about what I learned when I get time.
So maybe when your having one those gigs to where your just not getting the gain or boost you would just flip a switch? possibly? :headbang1: