Growing up in Wisconsin, when 5:00 hit, the one woman most lusted over in the state was the Girl on the Moon. I started drinking Miller High Life after first having Bud Light as a regular. For one of my birthdays, my dad gave me a fall sampler case of Leinenkugel's. I think it had Honey Weiss, Octoberfest, Red and Creamy Dark in it. I went through the case, and then went back to Bud Light, only to realize that there was no flavor whatsoever to it. Looking for a flavorful beer that was inexpensive enough, I grabbed a six of High Life, mainly for the price, and not expecting too much. I loved it and have stuck with it ever since, and turned my brother onto it after he stole helped himself to a half a six pack I left at my mom and dad's house one time.
With High Life being my mainstay, my top five favorite "treat" beers would be:
Weihenstephan Hefeweissbier/Kristall Weissbier (the two beers are really the same--the hefe is the unfiltered version, and the kristall is the filtered)
Leinenkugel's Creamy Dark
Guinness Extra Stout (the plain version without the little widget in it)
New Glarus Spotted Cow
Stevens Point Belgian White Bier