
Your top 5 beers of all time


Hero Member
This is the time of year when I get a hankering for dark exotic beers.  Out of curiosity I checked out a site called beer advocate, to see how my favs ranked with the rest of the world.  
These are my safe beers, but I always wind up trying new ones :occasion14:
My top five in order are:


1. Celebrator Dopplebock
2. Delerium Nocturnum
3. Young's Double Chocolate Stout
4. Lindemans Framboise
5. Purple Haze...ok Turbodog too

The all purpose beer: Coors Light :tard:

Celebrator Dopplebock
Guinness Stout, non export version
Bitburger Premium
Pilsner Urquell
Stone Pale Ale

and for us Americans, the best everyday can drink gallons of the stuff and have, Miller High Life, grew up on those 7oz ponies

Big Sky Moose Drool
Sierra Big Foot
Squatters Outer Darkness
Wasatch Polygamy Porter
Uinta Cuthroat
Et cetera

Coors light daily drinker
I'm going to have to try the Samual Smith's Nut Brown Ale.  I have seen it in my area, and it did rock the beeradvocate votes. :icon_thumright:
- Stone Double Bastard
- Sierra Nevada Bigfoot
- Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock
- Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti
- Stone Russian Imperial Stout
1. Guinness
2. Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale
3. Red Nectar Ale from somewhere in Humboldt County circa 1992
4. East End Snowmelt (local Pitsburgh)
5. Leavenworth Pilsener circa 1995

I haven't had a Red Nectar or a Leavenworth since I moved from the West Coast, but they remain very favorably in my mind.
Noire de Chambly (Unibroue)
Éphémère au Cassis (Unibroue)
Melon Head (Picaroons)
Péché Mortel (Dieu du Ciel)
Boréal Rousse (Boréal) ($3 a pint at the bar where I've played most of my gigs with the band...ah, the memories)

You're all snobs! My lord, it suddenly is very clear! That's why you like your exotic woods, exotic finishes, and finally exotic beers! :doh:
#5: Small

#4: Medium

#3: Large

#2: Extra large

and ....

#1 Happy hour on X-large beer.


Not really a big beer drinker. I occasionally enjoy a cold Tuborg Gold on a hot summers day.

Very partial to this one:

And I've had many an enjoyable evening in the company of friends and this:

I have nothing against darker/fuller beers, but I have yet to find one I want to drink more than once or twice.
In no particular order:

- Celis White (unfortunately the fuckers at Miller bought the brewery and it's not made any more
- Dinkelacker Pilsner
- Dortmunder Union
- Bohemia Ale
- Pilsner Urquell - unbelievably better in fresh kegs on tap in Europe
I like pretty much any hoppy, crisp IPA. There are so many here and they are always introducing something for the season. I live in beervana!

I used to live stumbling distance from this brewery. Mmmm, cask conditioned ale....

Right now my favorite is....

kböman said:
I have nothing against darker/fuller beers, but I have yet to find one I want to drink more than once or twice.

Celebrator has got to be the best dark beer I have ever had, and I have tried many different ones over the years that weren't nearly as good and drinkable.  Many more to try, but may never find one better.

And TroubledTreble, I should try to find some of that abdominable winter brew.  If you like beer that's hoppy and crisp you might like Delerium Tremens.