
Ye olde basic red guitar

Wolf Follower

Junior Member
Here's the story of the only guitar body I ever made, circa 2004.

I had a free MIM Tele neck from where I had converted my Tele into a 12-string so I decided to make a body for it. Being my first venture into guitar building, I decided to try to make it as cheaply as possible. So, I completed the guitar with the Tele neck. Well, I was always a little disappointed with the sound of the 12-string Tele and as a 6-string it was my favorite guitar so I repo'd the Tele neck to reconvert that guitar. For one reason or another, I had my Warmoth Strat disassembled, one thing led to another, and this cheap homemade guitar ended up with a fancy neck! I would later end up selling it (for little more than the cost of parts) to help finance my wedding (it was a bare bones affair, lest any of you think I would sell off a guitar to pay for a bunch of fancy doileys or something).

Here are the main specs:
Alder body, crappily finished in auto spray paint and buffed smooth with Brasso
Carvin single coils
Warmoth birdseye maple neck with rosewood board and Earvana nut
Misc cheap hardware

As I recall, it was was a nice, if not particularly unique sounding instrument. The shape was not quite as I originally drew it due to a mishap cutting out the router template, but whatever. It was fun to play - the body was light and comfortable with that large edge radius. I was trying to make it nice and simple. The wiring offered a few options though - the pots had push-pull switches attached. One of them put the pickups out of phase and the other bypassed the main selector and put the pickups in series. I really liked this control scheme. Anyway, it was a fun project and a good learning experience. For the benefit of all, here were my main takeaways:

1. Drilling six large holes in perfect alignment is extremely difficult without a drill press.
2. No matter how inhospitable the winter weather, never use an electric router in your kitchen! Seriously, the thing creates such a mess that usually won't even use it in my garage these days.
3. Most importantly, one should never, ever be tempted to convert a shower into a spray booth (it had a curtain and an exhaust fan, what could go wrong?)! My wife still likes to reminisce on this debacle from time to time.

Anyway, enjoy the pics, and thanks for reading!


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Shoot, son, that's a fine looking axe.  Simple and lovely.  Great lines to that body. Kinda Telecaster-ish without being a ripoff.  I sure do like those Carvin AP11 singles, too.  I miss my Carvin strat...
I agree. I especially like that oversize edge route. Looks good on a Tele. Haven't seen that before. I may have to copy that idea at some point.

Had to laugh at the router observation. Few things will make as big a mess. Even simple routing jobs can make the work area look like you ran a whole tree through a chipper/shredder that wasn't equipped with a collector  :laughing7:

Then, using a shower as a spray booth? LOL! Sounds like something I'd have pulled many moons ago. But, you live and learn. The only folks who don't make mistakes are the ones who never do anything. 
There's something about that guitar that just says "play me".  No nonsense, right to the point.  Great neck, wish I had one like that .
Three thumbs up on the learning experience points!!!

I used a Dremel in a router base while re-doing my kitchen cabinets a few years  back. Seeing the condition of the house after that, I couldn't imagine using a full size machine! You must have one VERY understanding wife.
Thanks for the compliments guys. Regarding the pickups, I got them mostly because of the oval shape that didn't require a larger rout for that completely unnecessary lower V part that most single coils have. They did sound good clean, and dirtied up nicely with a bit of overdrive. I still have one song recorded where I overdubbed a bunch of tracks of this guitar.

I do recommend the large edge radius. It made the guitar very comfortable even without any other contouring. Seemed to fit the curvy look too.

After the initial "accidents," I finished both the routing and the painting outside. I remember it being very cold with snow on the ground when I did the routing. I'm not sure if that or the painting made the bigger mess. It's not like I painted our shower red, but there was pink overspray dust everywhere after only one coat! Yes, I do have a pretty understanding wife...
