
YAFT (Yet Another First Timer)


Hi  :occasion14:

I'm a guy from Denmark now starting out to build my first DIY Strat
I've been playing guitar for more than two decades, but never seemed to find just exactly the guitar of my dreams.

I'm happy I found this forum!
I allready have benefittet a lot from searching in the forum, and hope to get more advises as the project moves on.

Here's my goal:
A Strat with a lot of sustain, crystal clear harmonics, rich and full tone but with a lot of brightness
A thin neck with JUMBO frets. = A "speedy" Neck combination (I allready have a Genuine Fender strat with that specs, but that Strat somehow doesn't have enough harmonics and sustain)
A tremolo that stays in tune even at extensive use.
Addition of Graphtech Gohst + hexpander system for the the option of (blending in) the acoustic sound + the hexpander for Guitarsynth.

I'm using medium gauge Strings (.011 to around 0.50-ish) and tune half a step down (actually I prefer  to tune a whole step down but so far it has introduced a lot of intonation/adjustment problems...maybe because this tuning would require a bit longer scale neck?)
Because of the above I want the guitar itself to have a lot of brightness since that string/tuning-setup gives a bit more dark and deep sound than lighter strings in standard tuning.

I want the guitar to look nice and natural but still a simple nothing special no-name Strat, and let people discover the exeptional tone when they hear it.

Here's what I'm considering for materials, bits and pieces:

Strat Hollow Body
Hard maple with flame maple top
Contour heel
Top Routed
(for the possibillity of adding a P-90 or a humbucker later)
Fender Standard Tremolo (two point) ajusted to dive only - touching body when resting for better sustain/woodtone. (will the Wilkinson tremolo could give me the same goal??)

Modern Vintage thin
(or maybe even "Wizard"? have to measure my Fender Strats neck more closely...it's VERY thin!)
Maple with Pao Ferro board

Graphtech nut (allthough I do have considerations here since I have this nut on my Fender and it seems to take a bit of the harmonics and sustain..) Well a nut can be replaced..so..
JUMBO Stainless Steel frets (i probably will get these LT 0897 from here http://www.universaljems.com/cart/fretwire.htm  if my local Luthier doesn't have what i want.
Sperzel Locking Tuners.

I have been considering to just buy the Body from Warmoth and use the neck from my Strat, but i fear that if i do so I end up that The Fender Neck is not fitting precisely, + it has a RoseWood board and that doesn't exactly meet the need for a brighter acoustic response.

Clear Laquer
White (W/B/W) or creamy Pickguard
Chrome hardware

GOHST+hexpander system

Worries: will the Hollow Body design be a problem when I have to carve out some extra space for the GOHST+Hexpander system?
Experiences anybody???

I want a good allround vintage-ish clear bell-like Stratsound with the additon of some Telecaster twang,  a bit on the hot side, but not as hot as the SRV sound; I'm not completely after his tone, well a bit in that direction but a bit more "Twang"
(it may look like I'm building a VERY brittle Strat, but bear in mind that the tuning/string combination pulls the sound to the dark/deep side)

I'm considering getting the PU's from Copperhead http://copperheadpickups.com/index.htm
They are handwound and they do a Stratocaster "Tele" Bridge PU (with the copperplate bottom) as well
I could go for Seymore Duncans, but the Copperhead PU's seems to do the same job but for a little less $$ + they are handwound :-)

Since this is my first diy project, and i dont have neither the expertise nor the tools, i will have my favourite  Luthier Ole Kehlet http://www.kehletguitars.com/ to do the fretting and final ajustments.

Any suggestions and comments are very welcome

best wishes to all


Welcome Chakaranda!
Seems like a great plan!

On the Trem: I think Wilkinsons can do the same.. just make sure NOT to order a recessed routing.

So did you pick a Maple body for the brightness? a lot of experts say that the neck wood has a greater influence on the tone..
so maybe consider a different wood for the neck.. maybe Padouk with Ebony?
It has a less traditional look, but you won't have to finish it... and raw exotic woods feel great to play on! :)
if you didn't already notice, exotic woods are very populair with warmoth addicts (including me) on this forum. ;)

Keep us updated and make sure to post pictures!
First up mate; Welcome to the board. I reckon what you have just outlined there makes sense.
Hard maple sure is bright, a hollow body would make sense too even for the weight as well as the tone.
I think you would find the warmoth standard thin contour would be closer to a fender strat neck than a wizard and would go better with heavy strings. I think you would have to consider heavier than you are using now to tune down a whole step. Warmoth necks come already fretted. They have a pretty wide choice of wire so I am pretty sure you  could find one to suit your needs. I wouldn't use your fender neck. It would fit the Warmoth body no problem but that would be a waste of the rest of your strat. I personally love ebony for fingerboards but that's just me, everyone is different
I reckon you can't beat vintage trems on strats. Wilkinsons are great but, for how you want it set up I reckon the fender style is how to go.(5springs)
As for pickup choice; you are going to get a lot of suggestions there ! I am leaving that to others more knowledgeable in that aspect. I'm building a strat at the moment and the boys gave me lots to think about. I ended up with Rio Grandes but I haven't received them yet so. no comment.
I will now shut up and let my illustrious fellow "Warmo'holics" rip me to shreds and add their two bobs worth (opinions) to help you achieve your goal :guitaristgif:........Cheers  Willy
Hi :-)
Thanks to both of you for comments and suggestions.

To m4rk0: thanks for suggestions on neck material: The ebony is in my consideration, but I'll stay with maple neck 'cause i want a more traditional look..and for consistancy with the body material ( maple too)

to Willyk: you're absolutely right about the string gauge and a whole step down : I have done that for a few years on my strat (0.012-0.053-ish with a plain g-string 0.020) but unfortunately it also gave me a lot of intonation/adjustment probs....especially the G-string was the problem, so i decided to change to the compromise for now ...well I'll have my Luthier to look into this again, since a whole step down fits the range of my voice perfect.

And I'll stay with the Fender Standard Tremolo: you're right it will fit the setup & the looks better

As for the neck size: Here's my considerations: well it's a Fender made in Korea, and the neck is thinner than any strat neck I've ever had in my hand, so thats is why i consider the Wizard..but if the standard thin will suit my hand size & playing style (I use the thumb a lot see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqF7JkoqFz8) I'd rather go for that, giving the neck a bit more mass and a bit more sustain.
I really hope to find someone here in Denmark who has Warmoth Strat neck standard thin size so I can try it out....or i might order the thin neck and then sand it down to a perfect fit....?...hmm ...?

As for the frets: yes i've looked closely at what Warmoth offer, but still unsure if they will be jumbo enough to my liking?; i like this scalloped feel, gives a very light touch and superfast playing....I'll have to measure the ones on my strat...and i hope its possible to get the neck unfretted from warmoth...? also I'm a bit unsure if I'm not better off with have the fretting done by my luthier??,  and  thereby get all initial adjustments done exactly to my liking..(i don't really have the knowledge nor the tools to do all that)

And thanks again guys for interest and aid in this project, I'll for sure contribute with pics ..also thanks to you for sharing yours...thats a great inspiration

Welcome Man!,

Say Denmark hugh?  What do women from Denmark look like?  Anyhow, it sounds like you've got quite a plan for your guitar.  This is certainly the place for all of your info needs.  Take it easy and Good Luck! 

:guitaristgif: Shane
Well, some thoughts here!

Yes I do agree with Mr. M4rk0! You should go for a brighter wood in the neck and you can put a Flamed Maple veneer in the peghead to match the body (Warmoth won't paint only the front of the headstock, but since you will want only laquer finish, you or your luthier can do it).
An Ebony/Ebony or Padauk/Ebony or Satine/Ebony... a bunch of choices!
And other thought of me: perhaps that get to brilliant and a rosewood fingerboard would give it only a little more punch, or ziricote (looks OUTSTANDING as a good chick's ass and sounds in a way you would like).
I believe that not going to the extrem, usually you can get the best results... I've a few real experience playing, but had read a lot since I'm a guitar's geek and I think it would get a better results with not only 'bright-bright' woods... Some dudes here, with a freight train of experience can tell to us if I'm thinking in a good way or not...

And well, all girls from Denmark that I saw was heartbreakers, for sure... You don't know how much I would like to live there!!!!!!! :cool01:
NonsenseTele said:
And well, all girls from Denmark that I saw was heartbreakers, for sure... You don't know how much I would like to live there!!!!!!! :cool01:

:blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7:
Well first to all the comments about Denmark and the danish girls:
Thanks Guys, I'll pass it on to them...and yes they are B-e-A-tiful!  :cool01:
The beauti and openness of the girls here, sure compensates for living in a country where the winter is so loooooooong (they will keep you warm during the cold nights...and days too he he  :icon_tongue:

and to all the sugesstions for neck material: thanks a lot for suggestions: well so many options, they will be taking in to consideration at a later stage...but for this first attempt I'll stay with this fairly traditional choices of wood: since this is my first attempt in making my own custom strat, i do expect some experimentation to be done.... when I've put this together, played it for a while, i could experiment with another neck made of different woods, another body...etc. etc. untill i get this unique "magic" tone I'm after..

To Vennegaard: that sound like a Danish surname? er du dansk?
(in danish to Vennegaard)
Ok hej, :occasion14:
du har vel ikke tilfældigvis også bygget en Warmoth guitar?
Måske endda med standard thin hals? eller "clapton size" ?
Eller måske du kender en her i DK der har?

som du måske kan se i mine tidligere posts, så vil jeg mægtig gerne prøve at ha en warmoth hals i hånden inden jeg køber...at måle er jo en ting ..hands on noget helt andet..

For those of you who don't understand danish: I'm just asking Vennegaard if he has or knows someone here in DK who has a warmoth standard thin or alike neck I possibly could try out...measuring is one thing..hands on something else..
Chakaranda said:
Well first to all the comments about Denmark and the danish girls:
Thanks Guys, I'll pass it on to them...and yes they are B-e-A-tiful!  :cool01:
The beauti and openness of the girls here, sure compensates for living in a country where the winter is so loooooooong (they will keep you warm during the cold nights...and days too he he  :icon_tongue:

[quote author=Chakaranda]
and to all the sugesstions for neck material: thanks a lot for suggestions: well so many options, they will be taking in to consideration at a later stage...but for this first attempt I'll stay with this fairly traditional choices of wood: since this is my first attempt in making my own custom strat, i do expect some experimentation to be done.... when I've put this together, played it for a while, i could experiment with another neck made of different woods, another body...etc. etc. untill i get this unique "magic" tone I'm after..

Ok, it's a nie way to begin it! But in the 2st guitar you should go exotic all way!  :laughing7:
NonsenseTele said:
Ok, it's a nie way to begin it! But in the 2st guitar you should go exotic all way!  :laughing7:

Thanks :icon_smile: i think so too
speaking about exotic woods: do you mean for Sound? or for Looks?  or?
both!  :cool01:

The only problem is: carry your beautifull guitar to that locals with not so nice condition of work... dunno how are the pubs in Denmark...
Chakaranda said:
(in danish to Vennegaard)
Ok hej, :occasion14:
du har vel ikke tilfældigvis også bygget en Warmoth guitar?
Måske endda med standard thin hals? eller "clapton size" ?
Eller måske du kender en her i DK der har?

som du måske kan se i mine tidligere posts, så vil jeg mægtig gerne prøve at ha en warmoth hals i hånden inden jeg køber...at måle er jo en ting ..hands on noget helt andet..

For those of you who don't understand danish: I'm just asking Vennegaard if he has or knows someone here in DK who has a warmoth standard thin or alike neck I possibly could try out...measuring is one thing..hands on something else..

I'm sad to say I have not build a Warmoth guitar yet, but hope to do it soon. All I've done so far is i Warmoth bass