
Xbox Live

JaySwear said:
I loved the first Battlefield: Bad Company, but Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is just full of snipers who do nothing but sit and wait for somebody to come into view. Plus they really sucked all the fun out of the campaign mode in that game. The first Bad Company was pretty funny and entertaining, and had a really out-there plot and story. Bad Company 2 acts like the first game never happened and sucked all the fun out of the characters. I was really disappointed :-\ Although my friends and I did run some of the 4 on 4 game modes for a while :icon_biggrin: we could barely lose

Right ow I'm all about Call of Duty: Black Ops and waiting for the next Operation Flashpoint game (the last one was big time disappointing, but I heard the developers have basically admitted they screwed that one up), and for Saints Row 3! Those Saints Row games are way more fun than they should be, and even better in co-op! The shenanigans you can pull in those games...

hell yeah, i played bad company 2 for 7 months like every day. I was part of clan sin, snipers have always been annoying as hell, what I honestly think would make that game is having a limit of 2 snipers per team cause having half your team be snipers while you run around getting owned is not fun. Thats why I always played hardcore. if i seen anyone sniping that had a low score i would shoot his ass every time i saw him.

I loved the first flashpoint, other then the graphics it was a amazing game. I remember hearing people say stuff like my god is total bs. I honestly think to appreciate the game you need to hammer it on the hardest setting and not beleive the sun shines out cods ass, definitely not for people who love the whole run and gun aspect you get from call of duty, As for snipers, you need to be a real good shot to actually kill someone, none of that point and shoot bollocks you get on cod and bc2. Can't give flashpoint enough praise really, if you want something thats not full of annoying shit like being sniped across a map by a shotgun or being knifed from 10 metres away. personally hate cod and now pretty much battlefield as well. Until they come out with something different and not release the same game 4 times a year plus add-ons, i certainly won't be shelling out the money. Let the fanboys have their game. Red river and mass effect 3 are the top of my list so far.
Definitely! I was a great sniper in the old Delta Force games, where you really had to be able to hit people. But that was on a PC, and I'm not nearly as capable on a console :icon_biggrin: and the only reason I play COD is because my friends play. We have a great time, but I refuse to play that game by myself. I'm usually playing with at least 2 other people whenever I'm on, so it's a good time. By yourself that game is just complete frustration.

And I loved the idea behind Flashpoint, but I must have gotten a glitched copy (or just didn't wait for an update from Codemasters). I remember shooting enemies several times as they dragged themselves along the ground after I put them down, but they refused to die haha it just got old and annoying, so I traded it in. I felt bad because I convinced a couple of my friends that it was going to be great, and we probably played it for 2 or 3 days total. I really liked the online, but it was so laggy that it almost didn't work at all
I got Test Drive Unlimited yesterday. It was a different recing game than we're used to, with a cool story - but the handling of the cars were very unrealistic.
The animations were not anything to brag about either. Tires isn't turning, and so on. It seems uncomplete, but still alot of fun.
i've been playing TDU2 and i've been really disappointed. loved the first test drive! this one has MUCH fewer cars, and the handling is all over the place. the cheap cars handle fine, the high end cars handle like crap :-\ you should check out the first one! great game, so much more to do. and there are a ton more cars and the handling is much better. plus it's cheap since it's an old one haha
I was looking for an introduce yourself thread but then I found this. It will do until parts arrive then the bass can do the talking for me.  :)

On the C&C Yuri's Revenge. I had great times on that game. Rarely gets played now. Mostly on the PS3 for game play but I would not need too much of a push to fire it up again. I have got a few weeks until parts arrive. :icon_thumright:
Any details or is it a secret until it gets there? I like secrets too, so either way welcome! :icon_biggrin:
I will not say much just this. Nothing amazing playing it safe (the first Warmoth) with (as of time of writing) the Jazz bass I dream of.

Not wanting to go off-topic with my second post... Anybody else hooked on Plants Vs. Zombies?
JaySwear said:
i've been playing TDU2 and i've been really disappointed. loved the first test drive! this one has MUCH fewer cars, and the handling is all over the place. the cheap cars handle fine, the high end cars handle like crap :-\ you should check out the first one! great game, so much more to do. and there are a ton more cars and the handling is much better. plus it's cheap since it's an old one haha
I've got 78 hours of play-time in TDU2 now. It's actually loads of fun! Especially when u get money enough to buy the Bugatti Veyron!
I painted mine pink!