
Will this diagram work?


Junior Member
this is the only diagram Ive found that comes close to what Im trying to put together. Tele body with P-rail in neck, SD SSL mid position and Quarter -Pound for Tele in bridge.One push/pull 250 vol pot and 250 tone pot, .047 cap. Standard 5-way strat selector. What adjustments would I have to make to get P90, humbucker and single coil out of P-rail, hopefully without any other switches. Thanks
Eliminate the push/pull and use a DPDT mini toggle.  You'll need 3 positions for the combinations of the P-Rails you listed instead of the 2 positions the push/pull provides.
Thanks.was Trying to avoid drillin new hole,  maybe I can fit on control plate. I've finally accepted it can't be done with one push/pull
You could use a mega switch and put the middle pickup on the push-pull, that would eliminate the extra switch. The mega switch lets  you do nearly any 5 pickup combos you can think of - the first three could be the prails, one for bridge& one prails option (strat, probably), one for bridge only. Put the middle pup on an on/off switch and call it good, or just get rid of the middle pickup idea all together since you already have a huge number of options there.
Both good ideas. Being a novice I will have to work out which is simplest. IS DPDT switch the same as ON/OFF/ON mini toggle?
Do you think mini toggle wound fit on tele control plate( already got 5-way switch, 1 vol,1 tone pot) . I suppose there is always the triple shot but dont know how this will fit with scratch plate ie. might make pick-up  too high 
There are also custom plates out there.  Get one with just the blade switch cut and drill the others yourself.  You can get the spacing you want.  Plus, since it's a control plate and not the top of the body, you can replace and do no permanent harm to the body if you change your mind.
You can get a Tele plate that already has an extra hole for a mini toggle at guitarpartsresource.com, or you can just drill your own between the volume and tone knobs. I have this plate on a Tele with full size pots and there is plenty of room for everything.


An on/off/on mini toggle will get the 3 sounds your looking for out of the P-Rail. You can have it short the rail coil in the 'up' position, short the P-90 coil in the 'down' position, and get the full humbucker in the 'off' position.
Now your confusing me Bob. Superturbo says on/on/on, you say on/off/on. I dont understand. But do plan on drilling extra hole in control plate once you guys tell me which dpdt i need.
Bob's solution is more apparent to me. It's negative logic, where you take away what you don't need, rather than add in what you do. It often makes more sense in logic circuits, but is unintuitive in power circuits.

The center connection between the coils goes to the common leg on the switch, one side of the switch goes to ground, the other to the hot of the full pickup. When the switch is to one side, it'll short out one coil so there's no output. On the other side, it'll short out the other coil, so there's no output. These two positions have the effect of leaving the unshorted coil as the only output. In the switch's "off" or middle position, neither coil is shorted so you have the full pickup (both coils in series, humbucking)) output. So, for that you'd want an on-off-on operation.
you can use most on/on/on switches but you need to be more careful about where you solder the wires. there is more than one possible layout for these switches and i was having trouble finding a good image of a diagram. on/off/on single pole is the best solution and the switches are smaller which is good.
Thanks for advice. Plan is to wire P-rails to on/off/on DPDT as per below diagram then incorporate it into diagram from my first post (ie replace humbucker part of this diagram with P-rail + DPDT) Does this sound right? thanks. Will draw one up and post.Could be funny as never done one before.

Have enclosed wiring diagram.Do you think this will work.Looks messy.Only space for on/off/on switch will be between tone and vol pots. Will be lots of wires crossing up and down. The middle pickup is Seymour-Duncan SSL-6 (RW). The white wire comes off one end and the black, the other.When I attach to pickguard, does it matter  whether white comes off left or right side? thanks