OK, so you're going to need to replace your volume pot with a dual-gang pot. Good idea here to test a few (or swap some wafers around) because it'd be nice if their resistances matched. And as mentioned, a toggle switch, which can be a real simple SPST. Last thing is a new pickup selector. You'll need one with at least three poles (3P3T(. I found the Schaller Megaswitch T on their site, and a wiring diagram that leads me to believe that it is a 4P3T. That particular one is a blade-type, and I'd forgotten to ask if that was your flavor or what. But such is definitely obtainable in a rotary, and maybe (?) also in a toggle.
The selector in the diagram is in the green box. The toggle switch for the neck-only treble bleed is in the red box, and the treble bleed resistor and cap are in the blue box. I just arbitrarily chose the treble bleed as a series config, but you could also do it in parallel - whichever floats your boat. Incidentally, with all treble bleeds, the resistor and cap sizes must be carefully chosen to match the volume pot's resistance and the characteristics of the pickups. That last part is usually a pain, as it changes with selector position. But here it's only ever hooked up to the neck pup, so you can choose optimal component values for that.
The top pole of the selector switch is the trick here. It routes the neck pickup to the top volume pot (and the treble bleed) only when the selector is in position 3 (neck). In positions 1 and 2, it routes the neck signal to the second pole, which in position 2 ends up combining with the bridge, and in position 1 it is unconnected. All good. Pole 3 is dedicated to the bridge pup's signal in the normal way. And pole 4 is unused (I guess I could have just left it out).
So in position 3, you get neck. Check. And if the toggle switch is closed, you have neck-only treble bleed. Check. And if the toggle switch is open, you have neck-only no treble bleed. Check. All this runs through the top volume. In positions 1 and 2, the output is run through the bottom volume. But since that's a dual-gang pot, and both gangs are the same value, you're all good.
OK, anybody .... what have I messed up here? (there's always something)