
Which Pickups Are Made in USA


Junior Member

I wanted to know if there are any pickups made in the USA....So far I've found Bill Lawrence and Dean...Any others?

Also....anyone know how good the Bill Lawrence l500xl humbuckers are?

I originally wanted either EMG active or Seymour Duncan Blackouts but for my future build I'm trying to see if I can get all the parts made in USA.

Most of the "good" pickups are made in the USA including Seymour Duncan and Dimarzio as well as most of the boutiques like Fralin, Lollar etc.
I've been to the Seymour Duncan factory in Santa Barbara. All of the pickups are made right there, and shipped all over the world.  They have video from another tour here.

EDIT: and by "here," I mean http://www.seymourduncan.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2505637#post2505637.  (I really wish links were underlined in this site's CSS.)

Their stomp boxes, however, are made overseas, brought to Santa Barara, and then hooked up to a machine for testing before being shipped out.
Good to know...I like seymour duncans...In fact I have the 59, and a George Lynch.

I've been at the seymour duncan website, but no where does it say that the pickups are made in the USA. I know the factory is in CA, but many companies still find it cheaper to send materials oversees, build products there, and ship them back.

This always amazed me how it's cheaper....but I guest it boils down to labor costs.

How about EMG?

Nordstrand bass & guitar pickups are made in Yucaipa, CA




all the best,

Gibson is wound by a "subsidiary" up outside Chicago (a very springy place I've been told.... nod wink)

Fender still made here (mostly)