I currently use Ubuntu (Kubuntu, actually) only as a general-purpose desktop. (I have installed a copy of
mixbus on it, but just to check it out...)
I have a songwriter friend on the other side of the continent that I gifted a surplus Linux workstation to - we set him up with Ubuntu Studio and he runs
Ardour. I trade stems back and forth with him weekly via an FTP server in Kansas City [shoutout to
JoesDatacenter!] and have perfect compatibility with my MixBus systems. Despite being absolutely 'non-computer-literate', he's been using the same Ubuntu system for about six years now with only minor tech hiccoughs.
My two DAW workstations 'proper' are both running Win10. Sadly some essential things like my Line6 patch-editing software (and Toontracks EZdrummer!) don't support Linux, so I really cannot use a non-windows DAW system for production work. I have a fourth general-purpose home computer running Win11 - also reluctantly running Windows, due to the need for 'win-only" Corel Draw.
DISCLAIMER: I've been using Windows since version 1.0 (and DOS before that!) and have used Apple OS's professionally since the mid-80s. I hate Apple with a passion perhaps only matched by my disdain for Adobe

And the gang at Microsoft have seriously been slipping the past couple decades - up to the early-2000s they were still a pretty solid and ethical bunch, but IMO not so much anymore, so I am 100% philosophically disposed towards Linux
Sadly, I am recommending my west-coast friend to retire the Ubuntu and buy a Windows machine soon - just so that he can run EZDrummer himself. (He's actually a drummer but can't physically play his kit anymore due to some serious medical issues).