
What's The Longest You've Waited?


Junior Member
Curious what the longest wait anyone has gone through until their "perfect" body, neck, whatever finally appeared either in the showcase or through the body builder?

I've been staring at the same laminate of BK (for VIPs) for months now and am desperately trying to hold off until there is another option available.  But I'm starting to lose the mental battle of patience and am toying with other options.  I don't want to sacrifice my plan, but I'm getting so freaking restless in wanting to start the build!

I'm sure many have experienced this...did you succeed with your wait, or did you cave and change your plan???
Seriously - it depends on whether you're waiting for a flamed maple strat, a butterscotch tele, or a left handed star with birdseye padouk pearl binding and a vintage trem. Generally speaking if you're not seeing something in showcase, it's because it's not a common item, so you need to custom order.
I'm a couple weeks away from one year. I have no serious hopes that my neck will appear in the showcase, but if something close enough came along at a bargain I'd scarf it. Soon. I mean it. We got something to celebrate (great new job), but we're in the middle of buying a house at the moment, so...

There have been two or three necks which sorely tempted me to deviate from the plan (if you notice there are almost ZERO no-inlays in the showcase, its light on 24.75" scale necks, and precious few exotics in the shortscale necks)
If you wait for the "perfect" body or top to come up in the showcase, you will have waited longer than the wait for a custom order, especially for a VIP. I have never ordered a "special' top from the builder, but each time I have been quite thrilled with what showed up. Also don't be afraid to spend the nickle for a hand selected top. This is a great way to get what you're after. They really do a great job of finding something nice. I have done this and it was well worth the up charge. If this is an instrument you plan on having for a while don't be afraid to spend what will amount to very little more in the long run.

To answer your question specifically, I have waited a long long time and never saw it come up so I just did the custom order and never looked back. It was the way to go.

TroubledTreble said:
If you wait for the "perfect" body or top to come up in the showcase, you will have waited longer than the wait for a custom order, especially for a VIP. I have never ordered a "special' top from the builder, but each time I have been quite thrilled with what showed up. Also don't be afraid to spend the nickle for a hand selected top. This is a great way to get what you're after. They really do a great job of finding something nice. I have done this and it was well worth the up charge. If this is an instrument you plan on having for a while don't be afraid to spend what will amount to very little more in the long run.

When you say "hand selected top"...is that something different than picking the Unique Choice laminate through the builder?

I'm really not expecting the body to show up in the showcase b/c of several specifics I want.  I've just been waiting for another option of the BK laminate (Unique Choice) to become available b/c I'm not too crazy about the sole option for VIPs. 
I left out the lurid details, but the past 12 months have been utter chaos, professionally, emotionally, financially, and domestically.  I'm about ready to order the blasted thing already, but we're now in the window where I'll be moving before the 6 weeks would be up.
swarfrat said:
IThere have been two or three necks which sorely tempted me to deviate from the plan (if you notice there are almost ZERO no-inlays in the showcase, its light on 24.75" scale necks, and precious few exotics in the shortscale necks)

Wow. I hope I'm checking the neck showcase more often than you are, because we're looking for nearly the same thing - 24.75" scale, no-inlay exotics. I've never seen one.

I'm to the point now where I may just order an Ebony over Maple part, then paint it to match the body and install the nut myself. You can do that pretty reasonably if you don't mind a finished neck. I've never had a problem with even glossy finished necks, but the weather here is at a point now where it'll be spring before I can get back into it.
The neck I'm waiting for right now, actually. Seven weeks after it was ordered I got an email from them saying it didn't pass their CQ requirements. Kinda sucks, but I'd rather wait than have to deal with a crap neck.
:icon_scratch: .......... with-in a day ........ :icon_biggrin: ...... both body & neck  :toothy12:

This body & neck ... http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=17679.0

If your waiting for the 'unusual' item, maybe time for the builder to get a workout.
I just did for a body, because I know you won't see one like it ever on the showcase.
Have a spare (absolutely stunning showcase neck) here, that I think will be perfect for it.  :toothy10:
But a couple of times I've pulled the trigger  :doh: and the very next week was something much better suited.
I don't wait at all.  I've never seen a "Star" body in the showcase, really.  I looked prior to purchase, and when I didn't see one, I just ordered one.  :dontknow:
The actual neck I'm planning is a 24.75" scale, wenge/ebony, 1 11/16, no inlay fatback.

At least four of those condiitions are unusual enough that stacking them means I won't ever see one in the showcase.

There does happen to be a mahogany/ebony  24.75 scale dotneck instandard thin in the showcase. IIRC (I'm on my blackberry and the real W site is too painful to use on BB). That's the first one I've seen that could work in principle. If it had even one more feature I might be more tempted. But it'll only save me like $30. Not worth it.
I tend to have about 6 ideas going at any one time.  These generally get whittled down into one guitar.  Somethings get left off, usually because I'd have to do them myself, and I decided it is not worth that much to me.  The current guitar took just about 8 weeks to get the neck and body from Warmoth.  So far everything is going great on it, and I am just waiting for odd ball things to arrive.  The pick guard is a bit if a job, so I will have to wait a while before I get to assemble much.  However, at this point, it will be the most decadent build for me yet.  But the 8 weeks gave me time to get a lot of things in order.

what I want is rarely there, so i have it build. every once in a while I get superlucky, like this year with my 5A flametop lightburst on 1 piece white korina, with a quartersawn wenge neck to go, with an ebony board. it was just sitting there, waiting to be matched. sweet guitar.

or 2 years ago. I wanted a blue les paul. What did suddently pop up? a 5A flame transblue LP on 1piece mahogany, with a zebrano/bloodwood laminated neck with ebony board with zebrano trapezoid inlay to go. so, whenever I wanted something, it was there. pure luck, I suppose.
I'm beginning to think that the neck I want will never show up in the showcase.  I have not even seen the wood combo on any type of neck.  Canary neck, Malagasy rosewood fingerboard.  I'm thinking that I'll need to order it.
I woulldnt hold my breath. Canary is less than common. Malagsy Rosewood is pretty exotic.
Being a lefty and very fussy will see me ordering exactly what I want. Having never ordered before, what might the typical wait time be for a fully finished and routed body and completed neck, ordered at the same time?
crash said:
I'm beginning to think that the neck I want will never show up in the showcase.  I have not even seen the wood combo on any type of neck.  Canary neck, Malagasy rosewood fingerboard.  I'm thinking that I'll need to order it.

Here is my Mr. Cray with Canary neck and Malagasy Rosewood FB.  No, it did not appear in the showcase. 


SixString said:
Curious what the longest wait anyone has gone through until their "perfect" body, neck, whatever finally appeared either in the showcase or through the body builder?

I've been staring at the same laminate of BK (for VIPs) for months now and am desperately trying to hold off until there is another option available.  But I'm starting to lose the mental battle of patience and am toying with other options.  I don't want to sacrifice my plan, but I'm getting so freaking restless in wanting to start the build!

I'm sure many have experienced this...did you succeed with your wait, or did you cave and change your plan???

Then screw the showcase, BUILD what you want. No compromises!!!  :headbang1: