
What's an EASY and NON-TOXIC finish for LIMBA?

That's really sharp!

I don't know if you noticed, but that headstock is backwards. It'll still work though, so no worries  :icon_biggrin:
Cagey said:
That's really sharp!

I don't know if you noticed, but that headstock is backwards. It'll still work though, so no worries  :icon_biggrin:

yeah actually the entire neck is backwards.... it is a lefty neck.... had them install a righty nut...
When I did the finish on my white limba tele body, I first stained it in LMI alcohol based aniline dye, and then applied tru-oil in several coats. The end result is not bad, although tru-oil finish can never protect wood as well as lacquer or poly. Here is the body:

I tried to use the same dye to create tobacco burst on another alder body and then applied many coats in dewaxed shellac. Compared with my Warmoth alder body in poly factory finish, this one actually has a "softer" look and makes me feel "closer" to wood if that makes sense.
