What to expect from an unfinished Roasted Maple Bass Neck?


Im loving the idea of the roasted maple option but I wonder how an unfinished roasted maple neck will fare after many sweaty handed gigs.
Is it absorbent? I know it can be made without a finish but I cant help but wonder if i should consider getting a satin coat on it...

Have YOU got a roasted maple, unfinished neck?
Hows it looking now? If it's darkened from a sweaty grip, has it in any way changed the neck?
I’ve got several roasted maple necks, all untreated. I’m not 100% sure if they, or some of them, have darkened, but I believe they haven’t.
They still feel as smooth as when I got them. Mind you, I don’t have sweaty hands.




I don't have a roasted maple neck, but I do have a purpleheart neck that I had intended to leave unfinished.  However, after watching it suck in a drop of sweat from my hand, I decided to give it a couple coats of danish oil.  It provides a little bit of protection, and darkens the wood a little bit, but still feels basically raw.  I think it is a good option for someone who wants the feel of a raw neck, but wants a little bit of protection from sweaty hands, too.
