I've been pondering 2x12 quarter stack type cabs lately. I ran across this Small Box sized vertical 212 cabinet at http://www.thevintagesound.com. The cabinet appears to be sized to fit a JTM45 Small Box head (26" Wide), but I can't seem to find a real Marshall cabinet number that matches this. It's quite possible that it's just a niche they decided to fill (small box sized cabinets). I'm contemplating building such a beast and loading it with Private Jack's or Green Berets, along with a head for my project amp either in SmallBox head size or 20w head size. The amp going on it is itself a bastardized creature that never really existed (15w JCM 800).
I'm mostly curious - did such a beast ever exist, are they common, and whats the number? I'm also interested in discussion on 212 arrangements. I started down this path contemplating a pair of 112's, so I could pick and choose what I wanted to lug, but I've always loved the vertical 2x12 slant format. (Had a buddy's 50w Jubilee in my room for about three months, and couldn't scrape together the what would now be paltry sum to buy it (but seemed like a lot of money to a college student selling his instruments to pay the rent)
Looking for a raucous boxy midrange raunch but without giving up thump in the process.
I'm mostly curious - did such a beast ever exist, are they common, and whats the number? I'm also interested in discussion on 212 arrangements. I started down this path contemplating a pair of 112's, so I could pick and choose what I wanted to lug, but I've always loved the vertical 2x12 slant format. (Had a buddy's 50w Jubilee in my room for about three months, and couldn't scrape together the what would now be paltry sum to buy it (but seemed like a lot of money to a college student selling his instruments to pay the rent)
Looking for a raucous boxy midrange raunch but without giving up thump in the process.