There was a bug with Guitar Center's website a few days ago - if you look up "double discount" at Talkbass I'm sure you'll find it, but the details are shady so I'm not linking to it directly - allowing the stacking of multiple coupons on a purchase.
GC snagged and cancelled a bunch of orders but I still got 95% off an Acoustic B200! Not my first choice of an amp but I got it for $16.44 including tax and shipping. My normal jam session guitarist got some $400 delay pedal from Red Witch for $38, its insane. Some guys got $400 Stingrays but I don't have that large of a discretionary fund.
Its out for delivery today! No pics, no gear, so I'll be posting it later - with a copy of the invoice, which I will likely frame.
Thank you GC for ignorant employees and sloppy programming, for the $800 off the Warwick a few years ago to the $333.55 off of the $349.99 Acoustic amp!
GC snagged and cancelled a bunch of orders but I still got 95% off an Acoustic B200! Not my first choice of an amp but I got it for $16.44 including tax and shipping. My normal jam session guitarist got some $400 delay pedal from Red Witch for $38, its insane. Some guys got $400 Stingrays but I don't have that large of a discretionary fund.
Its out for delivery today! No pics, no gear, so I'll be posting it later - with a copy of the invoice, which I will likely frame.
Thank you GC for ignorant employees and sloppy programming, for the $800 off the Warwick a few years ago to the $333.55 off of the $349.99 Acoustic amp!