
What $16 can get you - New Amp Day

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There was a bug with Guitar Center's website a few days ago - if you look up "double discount" at Talkbass I'm sure you'll find it, but the details are shady so I'm not linking to it directly - allowing the stacking of multiple coupons on a purchase.

GC snagged and cancelled a bunch of orders but I still got 95% off an Acoustic B200! Not my first choice of an amp but I got it for $16.44 including tax and shipping. My normal jam session guitarist got some $400 delay pedal from Red Witch for $38, its insane. Some guys got $400 Stingrays but I don't have that large of a discretionary fund.

Its out for delivery today! No pics, no gear, so I'll be posting it later - with a copy of the invoice, which I will likely frame.

Thank you GC for ignorant employees and sloppy programming, for the $800 off the Warwick a few years ago to the $333.55 off of the $349.99 Acoustic amp!
keep bragging about it all over the place  - I'm starting hope you get busted. :laughing7:
Its on the truck already, its their fault. The ones they caught were offered huge discounts also to make up for it.
GoDrex said:
how is it their fault if you're ripping them off?

I'm with this guy. If you're exploiting a mistake someone made for your own gain, the least you can do is own up to it and not try and write it off as some righteous act of restitution for the "little guy."
Paul-less said:
Hey, they can't do anything! It's not like he hacked the website.

actually it's nearly exactly like hacking the website. he found a weakness in their website and exploited it for personal gain. that's exactly what some hackers do.
I'd just like to clarify that I don't personally think there's anything wrong with what you did. I just want you to be straight forward about it
If they'd called me on it I would have happily let the order go. Per Talkbass they were letting the small orders go and running after the guys ordering the big stuff, primarily. GC price-matches anything, even themselves, and I don't see a problem in calling them on that.

I've done it four times now. Twice I've got what I was looking at for the price they goofed on, once they cancelled the order and nothing happened, and the other time was in store and they swapped the tags out for the correct price really quickly as I didn't have the money to follow through.

If you go to Walmart with a fist full of coupons and you're only supposed to use one, and the cashier runs them all through, that's on them. I deal with people doing this thing for a living. My company eats unbelievable charges sometimes trying to save face because someone screwed up and we got called on it.

Its business. Max and I just snuck in before they closed the door.

dNA said:
GoDrex said:
how is it their fault if you're ripping them off?

I'm with this guy. If you're exploiting a mistake someone made for your own gain, the least you can do is own up to it and not try and write it off as some righteous act of restitution for the "little guy."

I'm not writing it off as some righteous act of anything for anybody. I'm writing it off as,
1. They made a mistake
2. There was a hold for three days before they shipped it and the bank charged me so they had time to notice
3. They cancelled a large part of the orders taking advantage of this, and missed mine
4. They screw people regularly who don't know better and finally karma punched them in the face
This is one of the threads documenting GC screwing behavior:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=12783.0

Here's a thread documenting something similar:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=11720.15

knucklehead G said:
Its business. Max and I just snuck in before they closed the door.

Yeah thanks again Max for letting me know the second they fixed the error  :icon_biggrin: :tard:

Right or Wrong?
I don't know... I guess now that I didn't get to join in with the fun, I think it is completely wrong and unethical!
I'm with Marko - if I had had some money to spare, this would have been perfectly legit. As it is, it's indefensible.
pabloman said:
All I can say is Karma is a biotch. What's so bad about GC anyway?

Oh damn, can Karma's effect have karma? OWTF?

If this is Karma for GC screwing people, can the people who screw GC be Karma'ized