
Wenge vs Roasted maple weight concerns


Hi! I have a lightweight Warmoth Mustang that I love to bits, but I want to replace the roasted maple neck with a wenge one. Will there be a huge weight difference you reckon? Can I still order with a CBS headstock and not get a very neck heavy instrument? Thanks for reading :)
Isn't the mustang a 24" ? Uh never mind, I see you can get cbs mustang
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What I would do is go over to the Wood database website and look up the weight of a cubic foot of maple divide it by the weight of a cubic foot of wenge. Now you have a ratio . Then use it with the weight of your current neck and get an approximation the weight of a wenge neck.
Remember wood is not like steel, you'll only get close... nothing exact. But at least you'll see if the weight will make a difference to you. Happy Hunting!
I think you are safe with the wenge, 24" scale vs baritone etc... you have leverage on your side.
Thanks a lot for the replies, i can see that the weight "premium" on wenge is not that big. It is after all just a small neck for guitar.