
Weird day... really weird day


Master Member
We came home from Christmas shopping to find our 9 month old pygmy goat screaming her head off because she was in labor.  We had no idea she was even pregnant, we have no idea how she got pregnant. We got her when she was around 3-4 months old... I guess she got pregnant as a baby??? So weird!!! 

Unfortunately the baby didn't make it, but at least our little goat is okay.  I'm so glad this didn't happen on Christmas when the vet is closed! 
well it turned out ok, i guess. is the goat a pet? do you have it to maintain the lawn? i never pictured you as much of a farm girl, but i guess no one really knows that much about each other around here.
My mom lives on some fairly farm-ish property, and we help to house and take care of some goats.  I live about 5 mins away, so I'm always over there helping out if they need help with the goats.  They're not actually ours, they belong to some neighbors, but we are pretty attached to them.  Addie is the baby of the three, but today she had a baby. 
That IS weird Hannaugh....very young to be having babies, even by goat standards?

Yeah, considering we don't have any boy goats, it was very surprising.  I wish we had known she was pregnant, maybe we could have saved the baby if we had been prepared.  We just lucked out that our vet was available for an emergency visit and that he used to be a goat specialist, because the labor just halted in the middle and she stopped having contractions. 