

Thanks for all your patience as we worked on this website. I know we have had a slow website for a while and have been working on this ever since. There may be small issues you might find as you browse the new site like some images appearing wonky but we will do our best to fix anything found as fast as possible!
Definitely some wonkiness going on. For example, I can't build a custom Strat neck. I need one NOW! Just kidding, of course.

I'm just happy that it's alive again and the response time for navigating different pages seems greatly improved. Good luck with straightening out the kinks!

At least I was able to log into my account and see everything looking as it should, including my most recent order.

Responsiveness vastly improved, and I just spent a lot of time just ogling the showcase! :)

I did notice, though, that the Build-a-Body links aren't working correctly. Tried to build a custom V-K, and when I choose the V-K shape through the body menu bar then the "build custom" link, I end up on a regular search page.
@aarontunes & @samtang226 thanks for all the work in the background... :coffee: 🍕 :)

Much faster than before, a slightly different look. Any minor missing features or tweaks to broken links etc are a bonus now. Well done all.
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Now that I've had some time to decompress, here are a few notes on the new site:
  • You will notice that Unique Choice is complete MIA. This was feature we sacrificed in order to get the website launched sooner. It is our intention to bring it back ASAP, hopefully within 30 days but we'll see.
  • You will certainly find bugs as you use the new site. With a site this big it is literally impossible to have all your ducks in a row at launch. There are simply too many ducks. We'll be refining as we go.
  • Hopefully the showcase filtering works quicker. That was the slowest part of the old site, and an area we put special attention on.
  • You'll see the showcase is currently low on stock. In order to facilitate the change we let the showcase get lean, but we'll be adding more products as fast as we can.
Hope everyone enjoys the improved speed and functionality. This was a massive undertaking, and I am so glad to have turned this corner!
Monday June 19th is the day.

The updated site will look essentially the same, but functionality should be greatly improved.

Fingers crossed.
Came here to say thank you ! A little overdue but better late than never lol
I was browsing the site "accidentally" this morning then it struck me I was no longer waiting 5-10s for pages to show bodies.
I can browse the showcase again; not necessarily a good thing for me but it's good for Warmoth :-)
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Congrats on getting this back up and running, and it's pretty quick now, so that's great! Good luck ironing out the bugs as you spot them. Any chance you can bring back weight as a sort option?
Hmmm... I noticed that the one thing I start my search with, "weight" has been removed! That function was not working at all before the site changes so I was expecting it to be fixed. Not removed entirely? Maybe I'm the only one, but that's the most important thing to me on bodies, when I'm building to a target weight. Takes way too long to go through 20 pages of inventory to find the light weight stuff... Maybe that's a thing of the past? Sigh.
Hmmm... I noticed that the one thing I start my search with, "weight" has been removed! That function was not working at all before the site changes so I was expecting it to be fixed. Not removed entirely? Maybe I'm the only one, but that's the most important thing to me on bodies, when I'm building to a target weight. Takes way too long to go through 20 pages of inventory to find the light weight stuff... Maybe that's a thing of the past? Sigh.
You can put more items on one page, but there's a trade-off in page load speed. Maybe worth a try, though.
Feel free to create one. Though I can't promise it will be regularly monitored or responded to, it is useful, and the help is appreciated.

If it turns into a gripefest though....

OK, here it is, along with some simple guidelines.

Hmmm... I noticed that the one thing I start my search with, "weight" has been removed! That function was not working at all before the site changes so I was expecting it to be fixed. Not removed entirely? Maybe I'm the only one, but that's the most important thing to me on bodies, when I'm building to a target weight. Takes way too long to go through 20 pages of inventory to find the light weight stuff... Maybe that's a thing of the past? Sigh.
Weight is the #1 factor for me to consider buying a body, I hope that returns, too. The new site seems great otherwise (setting aside minor bugs that will get fixed).
Sorting options have kind of degraded and I don't see any of the lefties in the in stock section. Seems like something is off.
It looks like a lot of inventory hasn't been uploaded into the new site. I don't see any finished bodies in the showroom, for example. There were a couple dozen Strat bodies alone, IIRC, doubt they all sold overnight.
Mmmh … I did a test for a proposed jazzmaster build and everything worked fine.