Warmoth vip case, finally found one that fits it


After about a year or so of trying case i finally found a case that fits the warmoth vip ( mine is an older vip body keep in mind, it is not the same as those sold today). A PRS case fits it exactly couldnt be happier despite the cost. Here is a picture of my vip now im just waiting for my tuners which have been ordered.

Unless I'm mistaken, that's the old VIP that was a clone of the PRS.  PRS sent a CND and changes were made to comply.  Thus we have the current VIP that looks like it was inspired by the PRS.
Wow I like that a lot better than the current VIP shape, makes me not want a new one any more.
Looks like you need a good shot of lemon oil on that fretboard possum.  unless the picture makes it look drier than it really is.
Man I wish I had got one of those when they were still making them. I don't much care for the new VIP, that's a sweet looking axe you got there... :icon_thumright:
Where's the jeliousy icon at? :icon_scratch:
NonsenseTele said:
tfarny said:
Wow I like that a lot better than the current VIP shape, makes me not want a new one any more.

It's just a PRS body... that was the old VIP from Warmoth...
Yep I know, but I still like it better than the current one...... :dontknow:
DangerousR6 said:
Yep I know, but I still like it better than the current one...... :dontknow:

Yeah, I know, he had a chat about it, I believe in a Brian777 thread about a body blank from W that he made a PRS design...
i had a vip the current model from warmoth and did not like it at all, it was bulky , there a big difference between the 2 syles.