Superlizard said:If you think TGP qualifies as (my own usage) "corquesniffery", you ain't been 'round the webz 'nuff.
Those guys are neophyte, wanna-be corquesniffers.
Nothing wrong with that. I'm a fan of your vintage-styled Blue Jean, btw.RobR said:Sorry guys just making a funny... ya know Cork sniffers..... ALL about "rare 1 pc extra light quartersawn Calaham hand made extra virgin unubtanium endangered bumblebee nitro butterscotch and don't even think about putting anythig but a black guard on that gee-tar Son!" Tele guys ..... I consider myself in that group too... kinda....
Sorry DBU.... going "black guard" this time around.... Esquire-ish
Well, good thing we don't have any of those darned teens on our lawn. :laughing7:Cagey said:I've tried musician-oriented forums a few times over the years, but it seemed most of them were populated with 12-16 year old wannabes whose most developed talent was cussing and spreading myths fabricated from whole cloth, so I never joined or stuck.
And I'm sure you know that there's adults who are determined to be children, and otherwise, right? :laughing7:Cagey said:Yeah, right <grin>
You know probably better than most that there are teens who are determined to stay children, and those who are working at becoming adults.
I'm crushed. :sad:RobR said:Sorry DBU.... going "black guard" this time around.... Esquire-ish
ORCRiST said:Wyliee,
I was messin around with the body builder today (evil thoughts) and was surprised to see that when it came to pickup routing options,
there are none for angled single coil routs (ala the standard angle single coil in the bridge for statocasters) for either the neck or middle positions...?
I just thought that would be a popular option as there are a ton of guitars out there from major manufacturers that do have angled single-coil options
for all positions (although I admit the angled middle is rare). Thoughts?
Seems like the 7/8 guitars which aren't built out of Fender replacement parts.Max said:You guys are allowed to use full pictures of guitars without Fender-licensed necks?
ORCRiST said:Wyliee,
I was messin around with the body builder today (evil thoughts) and was surprised to see that when it came to pickup routing options,
there are none for angled single coil routs (ala the standard angle single coil in the bridge for statocasters) for either the neck or middle positions...?
I just thought that would be a popular option as there are a ton of guitars out there from major manufacturers that do have angled single-coil options
for all positions (although I admit the angled middle is rare). Thoughts?
Does that mean we'll be able to order Warhead headstocks on 25 1/2" warmoth pro necks?Red Rocks said:So in a way it is a replacement part but in order to keep ourselves out of more litigation with Fender we are only offering the Warhead on the 24 x 24 3/4 necks.