
Warmoth Today blog

I'll have to agree with everyone here, the zebra and transparent green is just insane. I've always liked transparent and dyed green tops.... :headbang:
You of all people should understand.  You don't like anything.  Binding, multiply pickguards, and I can't remember the rule of dots or no dots or what size dots, which logos and how they're applied, lol.  You have a lot of rules.  Snap judgement on just this piece, just doesn't do much for me.

I actually like the Star one more.  Warmoth, you will never get a Zebrawood order from me.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
You of all people should understand.  You don't like anything.  Binding, multiply pickguards, and I can't remember the rule of dots or no dots or what size dots, which logos and how they're applied, lol.  You have a lot of rules.  Snap judgement on just this piece, just doesn't do much for me.

I know, it's a joke, don't take it the wrong way. :tard:

I don't dislike multiply pickguards, I just find single plies classier on certain instruments.
Single ply black on a black body is stealthy. Single ply white with no bevel on a sunburst Strat is also cool for that certain vintage vibe. Single ply pearloids are also real classy to me on a lot of instruments.
Most other things do need 3 or 5 ply pickguards though.

No dots on a fretted or lined fretless instrument looks half-finished to me, but it looks good on an unlined board because the whole board is blank.

Headstock decals should not denote a manufacturer that did not manufacture the instrument, as that's incorrect and illogical.

You've only seen my rules for creating a perfect guitar. Don't you get me started on things like how to open a window, or the proper method of making love.  :tard: :blob7:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Warmoth, you will never get a Zebrawood order from me.

So it's the Zebrawood itself that you dislike, and not the finish of that piece?
I know you're joking, as was I. 

Zebrawood, yup.  Not a fan.  However I was not a fan of many of the "furniture" woods, and I've come around on those.

The logo thing, how you think of it is how I think about the trademarked headstock, which I'm fine with, but not really the thread for this beaten to death conversation.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I know you're joking, as was I. 

Zebrawood, yup.  Not a fan.  However I was not a fan of many of the "furniture" woods, and I've come around on those.

The logo thing, how you think of it is how I think about the trademarked headstock, which I'm fine with, but not really the thread for this beaten to death conversation.

Ah. It's the lack of emoticons that threw me.

I'm not particularly fond of Zebrawood. I think it's a really cool wood, but it's never wowed me.
This piece OTOH, is amazing because of that green color.
What do you guys think of a Padouk/Ziricote neck?

Well, Padouk in it's freshly cut orange state. I'm not so sure when it turns blood red and brown. :dontknow:
line6man said:
What do you guys think of a Padouk/Ziricote neck?

Well, Padouk in it's freshly cut orange state. I'm not so sure when it turns blood red and brown. :dontknow:

best of both worlds right there :icon_thumright:
I would like it more if the neck were not the only piece.  A Padouk neck with a Padouk fretboard or Ebony fretboard on a Padouk body would be awesome.

I love Ziricote.
Max said:
Red Rocks said:
The body is actually dyed. I was a little nervous when they gave it to me to dye, but it turned out really cool. Mind you not all colors lend themselves well to dying exotic woods.
You did an awesome job, man. It looks great.

I agree.   And like lucky, if I had had the money ... (I ended up buying two bodies as it is, anyway.)

I like the turquoise one, too.
Actually now that Super put it that way I don't think I like zebrawood either, probably why it made me think of wallpaper. Color and dye job looks good, and I like LPs so that's probably the best explanation.
AutoBat said:
What would I do with the green Zebra LP?

That works well, actually.
Is that Pau Ferro? Some kind of Rosewood?

But lose the zebra coils. You've already got zebra wood dammit! What else do you need! :blob7:
That body with them pickups remind of mint and choc icecream a tad haha....and the colour a green slush puppy...
Ah junk food, but that does look nice  :o
line6man said:
AutoBat said:
What would I do with the green Zebra LP?

That works well, actually.
Is that Pau Ferro? Some kind of Rosewood?

But lose the zebra coils. You've already got zebra wood dammit! What else do you need! :blob7:
It's the Mahogany & Rosewood 'unique' shape in the showcase necks.
More new stuff coming!

Here's a vintage '57 styled Strat to match our vintage Tele bodies.  This Strat differs in that the control cavities are shallower, but the comfort contours are slightly deeper.  We're working on the webpages and getting the Showcase stocked.  But if you want to get ahead of the curve and get your own vintage Strat or Tele ordered, give us a call.

I can understand the exaggerated comfort contours, but what's the point of shallow control cavities?