
Warmoth Today blog

Black Dog said:
JaySwear said:
Death by Uberschall said:
How about no routing on a showcase body and leave it up to the purchaser to decide it they want front or rear routing. I've seen many bodies that were nice, but the choice of routing made them less desirable.

definitely agree. or at least leave the bridge route untouched. i've seen a few awesome strat bodies that were routed for a tremolo, so they weren't for me. i wish they would leave the bridge routing alone completely so people could decide trem/hardtail and what kind of each. would be nice

definitely agree. or at least leave the bridge route untouched. i've seen a few awesome strat bodies that were routed for a tremolo, so they weren't for me. i wish they would leave the bridge routing alone completely so people could decide trem/hardtail and what kind of each. would be nice

Amen to this...

I have seen many beautiful pieces that have been slaughtered with a front routing.  Let the wood shine.
Similarly, I have passed up several bodies simply for the fact that they were routed for a tremolo and I am a hardtail type of guy...
I realize this is a matter of mass production and pricing; however, I would certainly be willing to pay extra for options.
Just my thoughts  :rock-on:

QFT and +1
Death by Uberschall said:
How about no routing on a showcase body and leave it up to the purchaser to decide it they want front or rear routing. I've seen many bodies that were nice, but the choice of routing made them less desirable.

Along the same lines - it would be great to see more necks without pre-installed fretwire or with the option to choose inlay.   There have been some amazing pieces of wood come through the neck showcase that I might have pulled the trigger on had I been able to pick the fretwire (I'm sold on SS), and inlay (I'm a no-inlay guy myself, and I'm sure some would like to pick the dots, etc. that they are partial to).
I too think that for bass bodies for instance, the choice for a Gotoh 201(-like) bridge isn't that obvious for everybody but hey... Apparently they sell or W would'nt do it like they do.
If you want it custom, order it custom. If they leave too many options open, the whole idea of the showcase (getting a part of the shelf fast) is out the window.
The opposite was true for me. I've lost all interest in a few bodies, simply because they drilled for hardtail bridges, and I can't live without my pitch shifting abilities.

I don't think I'm ever going to understand you hardtail guys. :dontknow:

Ooo! I just looked it up in the showcase, and it's made of Swamp Ash!
I was afraid it would be Mahogany or something warm, but it's actually a good bright body.
And it looks really good with a pickguard actually:

The only problem is that I really dislike the finish on the backside.  :sad:
Doesn't fit with the vibe to me at all. It's almost red.

And ha! Take that hardtail heathens! It's routed for a trem in the back! :icon_jokercolor:
Here's another sneak peak at something new.  Vintage styled Tele bodies.  There are a few details that differentiate vintage vs. modern Tele shapes.  Most folks are just fine with the modern shape, but for some, vintage it *the thing.*  So.... here you go!


get OUT

The only one I know about is the flat part of the contour

interested in this REGARDLESS, but can somebody tell me more?!?!?! :toothy10:
imminentG said:
get OUT

The only one I know about is the flat part of the contour

interested in this REGARDLESS, but can somebody tell me more?!?!?! :toothy10:

Harder edge radius.
Small hump near neck pocket.
Shallower pickup and control rout. 
Don't forget the flat spot for the input cup and the recessed string ferrel holes on the back. Recessed holes will only fit the Gotoh string ferrels that we carry.

I think all the Teles should have that flat for the electro socket.

In fact, I'm all for that being an option for any guitar body where somebody wants to use the electro socket.  :icon_thumright:
Cagey said:
RobR said:
Guess what I'm building next ...... Heading to "Cork-Sniffer-ville"

You mean The Gear Page? <grin>

If you think TGP qualifies as (my own usage) "corquesniffery", you ain't been 'round the webz 'nuff.

Those guys are neophyte, wanna-be corquesniffers.

This of course the opinion of one who isn't a TGP member, but is very familiar with their "contributions".