beep beep all aboard the exaggeration station. my friend, i implore you to type "fender neck hump" into your favorite search engine. it's just a thing with bolt on guitars
my second guitar was a 1985 peavey t60. well, I'm pretty sure. i don't remember exactly if it was a t60 or a Blazer II, cause of the passage of time and other things, but it was acquired from one of my Unc's (short for uncle, which is like a special name we give brothers of dad's and mom's for some reason).
anyway, it had a hump like this but it was okay. I had a guy in town level it in exchange for a small terrarium I acquired at our local Tip. those last few upper frets being a little low actually acted as fall-away after he was done. they called me Miles Shredsworth after that. not really, that was a joke, I know the Ace Attorney games didn't exist back then.
They called me shredward r murrow.
oh I should probably explain what a Tip is (different from when you give service people money in exchanges for the services they rendered)
A ‘tip’ in St Louis is called a ‘dump’ in the rest of America apparently. it's a big area where people take their unwanted junk and ‘tip’ it in. our tip was a big hole in the ground a few miles outside the city limits. every six months, the hole was backfilled with dirt and a new hole dug nearby. the hole-filling was would be announced in the community paper (not one of the major city papers, though, we wanted to keep it on the DL because it might have technically been illegal) three days prior to the event, to give everyone time to go to the tip and scavenge. you never knew what you might find but it was always exciting. one time I scored a leather jacket with a picture of a cobra on the back.
Tip Day was a family event and, people set up grills; kind of like a tailgate party but for a dirty swap meet: you didn’t just drag something out of the hole and leave, see, people walked around and said things like, 'nice bookcase, I’ll swap you a terrarium for it' which is how I got the terrarium. our family dining table and four mismatched chairs were also from the tip. It wasn’t uncommon to visit someone’s house and declare 'hey, that used to be mine, but it looks great in here' Tip Day was eventually cancelled due to safety concerns. the day I got the terrarium a girl from my school fell into the hole and skewered herself on a pink flamingo. she was okay but the media attention kinda killed the event and we all resented her for it.