
Warmoth Needs more Purple!

JimBeed said:
oooh gawd dang it  :o :o :o :o :o :o
Lovely guitars both of them,
is the fendermoth a fender body with warmoth neck? or vice versa?

The former is correct.  Not sure what color it is called; it was an Am Std Strat bought around 2001-2.

There's another purple strat d00d on here but haven't seem him post in awhile.
Didn't Hannaugh put together a purple Strat with a canary neck not too long ago? That was nice, too.
All this purples making me want to put an all purpleheart neck on my next build, which to be honest  iwas thinking i would anyways  :laughing8:
But Well thats another post!
Cagey said:
Didn't Hannaugh put together a purple Strat with a canary neck not too long ago? That was nice, too.

Yes, Hannaugh's strat is a beauty.  Technically a magenta burst, but it has a whole lot of cool purple going on...
Although I do not own a purple guitar, I will someday because I really love them...

Hannaugh's GOTM June 2010


Cagey said:
line6man said:
And when I say virginia, I think you know what I mean. :toothy10:

You meant the exit end of the alimentary canal, right? <grin>


:laughing11: i've created a monster. this will be the picture that just won't die...

anyway i agree! i love seeing somewhat unusual colors for guitars, and a bright trans purple would be great. carvin has a really cool bright trans blue that they use. i'm definitely in love with it. extremely cool color!
Hmm think we need to throw down a gauntlet here hehe
One of the male forum people to win with a purple geetar/bass
Thatll  get two purple guitars into the archives of Warmoth :headbang1:
But Hannaugh's is an amazing guitar too with all ze purple it has for a magenta burst  :toothy12:
Superlizard said:
There's another purple strat d00d on here but haven't seem him post in awhile.

The other Purple Strat of note may belong to Dudesweet.  This one?

I've always liked this one despite it being something I usually wouldn't.  It's Purple, and it's got a fancy top - things I don't usually dig, yet I love it.  It might be the black and white PG/pup combo.

I've always found purple to be bit of a polarizing color.  People either love it or hate.  Those that love it will settle for nothing less.  My dislike for purple can be traced to my love hate relationship with Jagermeister, and disdain for Grape cough syrup as a kid.

And Hannaughs is technically Magenta Burst.  It's not in the Warmoth color catalog and shows up in the showcase from time to time.  Maybe they will do it on custom orders.
The downside of purple guitars is having to change your name to unpronounceable symbols that vaguely suggest hermaphroditism.  (But the dude has amazing chops. I always find that amazing, that an artist, known as a showman and shock jock, 1) who's music is nearly totally eclipsed by his persona and antics and 2) works in a genre not exactly conducive to showing off said chops - would put the amount of effort into being able to play like that.)
He's done different albums in different genres, some of which show off his chops.  Jazz?  But IMO, he's a virtuoso.  He doesn't have to expend the same effort as the avg. human being to be better than avg.
Just Imagine if PRINCE like... Joined a metal Band... Oh the Comedy that would ensue.

I actually like the paint tone on his purple guitars...though...
I wouldn't want to be in the purple guitar camp.  Look at the sonsofbishes there already.


edit:  No longer has that neck... waiting for the right baritone neck!  OLD school Warmoth body (91 I think).

AprioriMark said:
I wouldn't want to be in the purple guitar camp.  Look at the sonsofbishes there already.

:laughing7: Purple and Proud haha  :headbang: :icon_thumright:
the more I look at that bridge... the less I want to build a Telecaster themed Iceman...
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
He's done different albums in different genres, some of which show off his chops.  Jazz?  But IMO, he's a virtuoso.  He doesn't have to expend the same effort as the avg. human being to be better than avg.

Best guitar teacher I ever had, who was quite the virtuoso himself, was a big fan of the artist formerly known as "Pants". First time he told me that, I had to do a double-take to see if he was kidding. It was a real live WTF? moment. So, I listened to some of his stuff and sho nuff, guy's a talent. Unfortunately, as Swarfat says, he doesn't exactly work in a genre conducive to exhibiting his talent. Kinda like Robert DeNiro or Sigourney Weaver doing kindergarten plays.