If you want to tune a baritone to standard, go for it. Baritones already have strings tuned that way anyway, they just usually choose to drop the high string and use a lower one.
Think about baritone 7 and 8-strings, they're doing what you're talking about as it is.
Some people just like the baritone sound and use it for everything, if it sounds cool to you, do it.
I don't think a tremelo would make any difference. Everything on the guitar will feel slightly different anyway, it's not like a tremelo will just like "stop" working because your neck is an inch longer than a Strat's. Get it if you want to.
Btw an .08 gauge for high E at 28.625" scale is like 13 pounds of tension. I use this scale length and like lighter strings but I would go heavier than that. .085 would feel good for me, ymmv.