
Warmoth #1


Senior Member
My first Warmoth build, completed last year, finally got some pics.

Flamed Maple/Alder Tobacco Burst/Trans Brown.
Bocote/Ebony Tung Oiled, SS6105/Abalone Dots, Black PW's, Graphtec, Wilkinson WT1LB.
Alumitones, Master Volume, Master Tone, Deaf-Eddie Chromocaster Switch.
Abalone Pickgaurd, Trem Cover and Neck Plate.


Being a lefty, finding nice guitars is near impossible, but thanks to Warmoth I was able to create a stunning instrument, both visually and soniclly.


That flame and tobacco burst makes me want to cry. I'm planning a tobacco bursted L5s with a spruce top, but this makes me want to go flame..
A w e s o m e    c o m b o !
What kind of PUPs are those?
I noticed on the bridge there is quite the angle the strings take. Is the intonation true?
Hey that's nice! A very cool build. How are those Alumitone pups workin' out? I would love to hear a sound clip.

I love those brown necks... mmmmm tasty!

Pickups: Lace Alumitones - Bright, with a sparkled bouquet, yet not an overwhelming midrange, but with a solid low end. Wide frequency response, lightweight and absolutely quite. Excellent for clean and slightly overdriven sounds, quite edgy when used with medium to high saturation.  I first tested them in a MIM Strat I have as they require a rectangle cutout, very unique sounding, yet still remain very "stratlike".

Pickguard: Terrapin (http://www.terrapinguitars.com/) - it is no longer listed in the materials schedule due to inconsistent material acquisition, but I emailed them and they do get it from time to time. It is actually Paua Shell from New Zealand.

Intonation is set.

Thanks for all the great comments.
What? Upside down? I think those guys a the big W sent me a defect.

Actually, I think there could be a lot more upside downers on the Showcase. Today there's 2 lefty bodys and 3 lefty necks, I feel I'm being discriminated against.  :sad1:
Damn straight, you leftys are all sinister!  :laughing11:Seriously, though, thanks for the link...I have been looking for someone who does the firestipe PG!
ibob74 said:
What? Upside down? I think those guys a the big W sent me a defect.

Actually, I think there could be a lot more upside downers on the Showcase. Today there's 2 lefty bodys and 3 lefty necks, I feel I'm being discriminated against.  :sad1:

I'm with you bro....they've got to make it easier for me to spend even more money :laughing7:
ibob74 said:
What? Upside down? I think those guys a the big W sent me a defect.

Actually, I think there could be a lot more upside downers on the Showcase. Today there's 2 lefty bodys and 3 lefty necks, I feel I'm being discriminated against.  :sad1:

Don't complain, keep in mind that we used to burn y'all at the stake!


Yes! Don't complain, here in my village we use to cut the left hand of the wrong-hand-writters,,,  :icon_biggrin:
RLW said:
ibob74 said:
What? Upside down? I think those guys a the big W sent me a defect.

Actually, I think there could be a lot more upside downers on the Showcase. Today there's 2 lefty bodys and 3 lefty necks, I feel I'm being discriminated against.  :sad1:

Don't complain, keep in mind that we used to burn y'all at the stake!



If we burned them at the stake today, we'd have no major league baseball.  I'll get the matches....... :laughing7:
You guys are scaring me, from now on I will not offer my preferred dexterity, please assume my builds are total reversed constuction. :icon_tongue: