Walnut Soloist


Hero Member

I got it! Way before I expected it too, I thought I had 4 weeks to wait yet!

Walnut Soloist:
1 HB rout for SD JB model
OFR rout (though i may get a gotoh FR if it fits)
1V 1T

I'll go into town in a week or two then i'll get all the electronics and oils and gain filler, and then buy my trem.
Which part of Australia are you? (have you got my mail with this question or it blowes as I think it happened?)
good times!  congrats.  Going into town in a week or two?  do you live in a settlement in the outback?  just kidding.    glad you finally got your guit body.  it's gonna look great stained.      :party07:
Neil Stryker said:
good times!  congrats.  Going into town in a week or two?  do you live in a settlement in the outback?  just kidding.    glad you finally got your guit body.  it's gonna look great stained.      :party07:

I do live on a farm. :toothy11: I'm not gonna stain it, but tung oil!
Talk with Mr WillyK about raw neck, he is based in Sidney if I'm not wrong and he has some instruments with raw neck... If it's near where you live perhaps you can give it a try  :icon_thumright:
Sweet!  When I was your age, I still had my Made-In-China-O-Caster.  Your doing alright, kid!  Good luck with the rest of your guitar assembling adventure! 
Nice soloist you got thar Wanna, I remember seeing that one in the showcase and thought about snagging it up at one time. But I already have 2 projects going, so I guess it was ment to be yours. Should look kick ass with an oil finish, i would suggest to you as to what was suggested to me and use "Pure Tung Oil".  :headbang:

And does NSW stand for New South Wales?
That's gonna be a sweet Soloist.  Congrats. 

As guitlouie had said, at your age I had a Sears SG copy.
Max said:
At your age, I didn't have a guitar.
I did have a trumpet, though.
I started out on a coronet, then trumpet in the jazz band. That's when the guitar bug got me, our guitar player was just crazy good.
DangerousR6 said:
Nice soloist you got thar Wanna, I remember seeing that one in the showcase and thought about snagging it up at one time. But I already have 2 projects going, so I guess it was ment to be yours. Should look kick ass with an oil finish, i would suggest to you as to what was suggested to me and use "Pure Tung Oil".  :headbang:

And does NSW stand for New South Wales?
Yes, i will use pure Tung oil

NSW does stand for New South Wales
guitlouie said:
Sweet!  When I was your age, I still had my Made-In-China-O-Caster.  Your doing alright, kid!  Good luck with the rest of your guitar assembling adventure! 
What i'm using for this guitar is  tiny bit of money from my car fund for when i'm older! :laughing7:

I'll prolly end up with a crapbox car when i'm older
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
guitlouie said:
Sweet!  When I was your age, I still had my Made-In-China-O-Caster.  Your doing alright, kid!  Good luck with the rest of your guitar assembling adventure!   
What i'm using for this guitar is  tiny bit of money from my car fund for when i'm older! :laughing7:

I'll prolly end up with a crapbox car when i'm older
From a discussion we had a while back, I thought ya'll had plenty of vehicles down on the farm there....
I've followed this (a little), and must say I'm impressed that at your age - you're going about this quite well! I trust your build will inspire you to practice hard, and go on to bigger and better things musically. I wish you good fortune with your endeavors on this project  :guitaristgif: :icon_thumright:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
DocNrock said:
That's gonna be a sweet Soloist.  Congrats. 

As guitlouie had said, at your age I had a Sears SG copy.
I have an Epi SG not great, but still alright.

Rest assured, even your Epi SG would have killed that SG copy I had.  Plywood with microphone pickups.  I think it and the 5w solid state amp cost like $49 at the time.  Should've called it the Denver guitar, since the action was a mile high.
DangerousR6 said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
guitlouie said:
Sweet!  When I was your age, I still had my Made-In-China-O-Caster.  Your doing alright, kid!  Good luck with the rest of your guitar assembling adventure! 
What i'm using for this guitar is  tiny bit of money from my car fund for when i'm older! :laughing7:

I'll prolly end up with a crapbox car when i'm older
From a discussion we had a while back, I thought ya'll had plenty of vehicles down on the farm there....
Well yeah, but were gonna have to sell a heap of 'em soon enough for jusnk, most of them don't work to regesteralbe standards and 1 of em aint ours! :-\ :laughing7:
SlingBass said:
I've followed this (a little), and must say I'm impressed that at your age - you're going about this quite well! I trust your build will inspire you to practice hard, and go on to bigger and better things musically. I wish you good fortune with your endeavors on this project  :guitaristgif: :icon_thumright:
Thanks man  :icon_thumright: