
walnut/korina build with pics and story

Plate DangerousR6 made for me...awesome to say the least

4 coats TruOil glossing up with more to go
Damn Jim, that thing is gorgeous....Did you do any grain filler, or just start covering in tru-oil? :icon_thumright:
DangerousR6 said:
Damn Jim, that thing is gorgeous....Did you do any grain filler, or just start covering in tru-oil? :icon_thumright:

About 4 coats of Stew-Mac clear fill and then there were still a few pores.

I then sanded with 400 grit using Truoil as a lube. The sawdust and oil formed a kind of paste and it filled the remaining pores.
I let it set overnight, sanded it off and all was filled.
About 1 more light coat and it hangs for 2 weeks to cure, then I'll buff it out.

I was wanting a gloss, but was prepared for satin or semi-gloss.

After about the 2nd coat the glossy started to build so I went with it. It has a thick nitro-like finish.
There'll be flames too, if I get anything on the table top.

I'll be in big trouble...... :icon_biggrin:
Pics aren't the best. It is supposed to warm up here later in the week so I can hopefully do better.
It turned out better than I thought it would when I undertook this project.
It has a smooth gloss finish (pics don't do much for this)
I tinted the pickguard mint green.
It's going on its first trip- to rehearsal tonight, and out to the bars this weekend.
Let the bumps and dings happen...
