
Walnut Jazzmaster/Jazzcaster/Other

I've had my high E string break, at two different times. The lock saved me; let me restore my tuning and finish the song with a very brief "Oh, shit!" moment, but otherwise OK. Since I play rhythm, it didn't affect anything all that much. I didn't have a back up, but I power-chorded my way through things.

If anything, I need to check the hole in the tailpiece for the high E and make sure there isn't a burr.

As for the cavity, I just hand sanded it ... but if you've got a Dremel or something automatic, it would make really short work of things.
go with these, they fit right in to the vintage holes. I've heard a lot of good stuff about them on other forums, and I just found out that gfs sells them way cheap.

This trem works fine...

And go with a mastery bridge.

Can't see you having tuning problems with that setup.
Leumasd said:
Ill probably be doing it by hand, also did you use a warmoth pickguard?

I did go with the Warmoth pickguard. Mainly because they warned that their bridge post holes don't line up with the Fender one.
The do line up, it's the bridge pickup that's been moved slightly.
And again, I'm going to get a mastery bridge!  :tard:
Anyone know if this thing is useful, needed, or even wanted? http://www.allparts.com/Pot-Bracket-for-Jazzmaster-Pickguards-p/ap-0652-000.htm
Yes, the bracket is essential IF you have roller pots. However, if you don't have the roller pots of the "rhythm circuit" controls, it's not needed.
Mr. Builder is correct.

I'd also mention that if you are using those roller pots, be very careful installing them. They're tiny and flimsy, and as a result are easily broken. Don't torque down too much on the retainer nut - you can very easily twist the threaded shaft right off the pot, and there's no recovering from it. You'll have to get a new pot. Get and use some LOCTITE, and just snug them up. Let them set up a bit before you put any pressure on them so the substance has time to set up.
Thanks, I intend to install the rhythm circuit, so i guess ill buy it. I do wish it was cheaper.  :dontknow:
It's really not hard to make.

If you've got a vise and a drill, you can buy a 1" by 3" piece of aluminum and right-angle bend it, then drill four holes in it (two for the pot shafts, two for the mounting screws).
Leumasd said:
Thanks, I intend to install the rhythm circuit, so i guess ill buy it. I do wish it was cheaper.  :dontknow:

AllParts overcharges for everything. Also, they use the same service level of UPS that Warmoth does, so you're looking at 7 to 10 days to get something even if you live next door to the place. But, at $6, I wouldn't kick too much. As RB says, you could fab it up yourself fairly easily. But, why? Over $6? Frugal is one thing, but being a tightwad can make your life miserable.
Im probably going to get the allparts wiring kit, and that at the same time.

(im getting the kit, because when i total it all up, getting parts from individual places costs more than just getting it at once, cause I live in Canada and shipping is more  :dontknow:)
Leumasd said:
Im probably going to get the allparts wiring kit, and that at the same time.

(im getting the kit, because when i total it all up, getting parts from individual places costs more than just getting it at once, cause I live in Canada and shipping is more  :dontknow:)

You might want to review that parts list vs. alternate suppliers. It's basically WWII surplus wire, a few cheap pots, and some switches that not only rattle but don't have good fasteners. Tipperman bought into that package for his Jag and I've ended up throwing about half of it into the Drawer of Misfit Parts™ and replacing half of what's left.
Leumasd said:
Im probably going to get the allparts wiring kit, and that at the same time.

(im getting the kit, because when i total it all up, getting parts from individual places costs more than just getting it at once, cause I live in Canada and shipping is more  :dontknow:)

I bought the parts individually and it came out about even, but I believe I got better quality components. You could probably do it all in two batches, one from Guitar Parts Resource and one from Stew-Mac or similar. I don't know if shipping on two orders makes it unreasonable versus the one order, but I can't attest to how good what you'll get from All Parts will be.
Leumasd said:
I cant find roller pots on stewmac :dontknow:

I was thinking GPR for the mini-pots (which are the ones you'd use for the roller knobs): http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/electrical_minipots.htm

Also, if you're putting in any orders from Warmoth, they sell them, too. If you're already paying for shipping there, no harm in throwing in some additional items.
reluctant-builder said:
If you're already paying for shipping there, no harm in throwing in some additional items.

Might as well add a couple extra bodies then  :laughing7:
After what seemed like an impossibly long wait for me, I have finally ordered the body (and miscellaneous parts), hopefully I'll get it before new years!  :blob7:
How about an update on this Leumasd? Hoping to see this Walnut gem come together! :guitarplayer2: