vocals amp


Junior Member
hello everybody

i've been doing alot of garage rock past few months and i need a tube amp for vocals
im trying to do somthing towards a strokes-ish type of vocals

appreciate the help,
Marshall Stack. There is no other. Well, maybe a HiWatt stack. Or, an Orange stack. You might like a Soldano stack. Then, there are always the Boogers. Get one with three rectifiers - all the cool kids use 'em <grin>

Seriously, if you want a reasonably-priced  high-quality tube amp for general-purpose use, you'd be hard-pressed to beat Carvin's TS-100.
I'd say get a small pa package, but if you feel like an amp's that thing, get this guy... http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/single.php?product=AG100D

Cool thing about this is that it can also be used with acoustic instruments with pickups, bass guitars, keyboards, drum machines, etc. Not bad if you want something versatile and prefer not getting a PA. It's funny that cagey mentioned carvin first... I've been noticing them alot on the forum lately.