
V-Picks, handcrafted guitar picks.

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
A couple of weeks ago, I recieved a personal message on youtube from a nice guy.
His name was Adam, and he wanted to provide me with picks. At first I thought it was a spam message, or some kid kidding with me.

He proved me wrong. I visited his website, www.V-picks.com and realized that this guy was legit. He worked for a company called V-Picks, and as mentioned earlier - he wanted to provide me with picks.

I gave him my adress so that he could send me a couple of different models. At first, I thought that he would send me 5 or 6 different models... I was wrong again. Today, I recieved an envelope with nothing less than 35 picks.




At first, I laughed... The picks was shaped in all kinds of different geometrical shapes. And some were as thick as my HTC smartphone... I turned my amplifier on, and started playing with one of the funniest looking ones (picture below)

The pick was 7 times as thick as my regular Jim Dunlop picks, and had very round edges. This model was called "B#" and came with both a polished and an unpolished finish. The unpolished one (to the right in the pick) made the guitar sound dry and crispy in a way that really caught my attention. It was magic! The unpolished one was more normal sounding.

I'd never thought that a pick that thick would provide any comfort at all, but yet again - I was wrong...
I have never relaxed this much in my picking hand since....ever....

The rest of the picks had their own distinct sound and feel to them as well. I really enjoyed playing with them, and I believe that these picks will make me a better technical player.

I really reccomend you to visit www.V-picks.com and order some of the B# and Bb models to try them, because they blew my mind!

I'll post more reviews of the other models in this thread later!
I concur - I picked up one of those guys and it's surprisingly easy to play.  The thick polycarbonate just seems to move through the string.  That polished surface works very nicely for me.
That's pretty interesting, I had a similar epiphany a few years back. After playing with super thin Dunlops for years, I finally figured out that I could actually play better with a stone from the driveway than those thin ass picks. And subsequently switched to very thick picks. And I actually made some from stainless steel and titanium, of which I like the titanium the best...

But those look pretty cool Andreas... :icon_thumright:
You are gonna have to tell us your favorites, cause there are WAY too many to choose from  :laughing7:

I do like the description of the B# though.

And holy crap, he makes one that is almost 12 mil. thick!
It looks like that sample pack sella for about $50 on their site, so that's pretty sweet that he sent you one. I'd definitely be interested in these, I'm always dropping picks or having to reshuffle them between my fingers.
LOL Danger, I really wish that story of yours had ended with, so now I have a bag of gravel next to my amp/guitar.
It's amazing all the things besides nuts, neckwood, bodywood, bridge, whatever, that make your sound.

I remember the first time I bought a quality cord and played my guitar, it sounded totally different, better.

Prior to that I was using old cable TV quallity crap with plugs I soldered on, really , how much dif could it be? Duh...Huge
One of my favorite short-circuits to drawn out threads about "what should I do to get bitchin' tone" is "try a heavier pick, or try losing the pick entirely."  Cheapest overhaul available.
Alfang said:
LOL Danger, I really wish that story of yours had ended with, so now I have a bag of gravel next to my amp/guitar.
I keep them out in the driveway... :icon_biggrin:
I've tried a few different V-picks and they're pretty cool, but with some distortion settings they produce a very audible 'chirp' that I don't like.

Because I liked the thickness I went looking for other similar, thick, picks made with different materials. My favorites at the moment are gypsy-jazz style picks from both Red Bear Trading and Wegen picks  :icon_thumright:

I use wooden guitar picks for playing bass, love the solid heavy feel, and the wood is a welcome change over cellulose or metal.
Years ago my guitar teacher got me using heavier picks. I more or less agree with the notion. Except...

Super thins are a must on 12 strings. Without the flex, and sometimes even the size itself (plus picking speed) limits the picks engagement of the lower string in each course.  Thins really make it jangle and shimmer in a way thick rounded picks can't.
... by the way, nice score Andreas!
35 picks ... and those B# ones cost $13 each here in Aus!!!
The B# pick is redonkulously large!
I'm glad it plays well.  I bought a 12 pack of Dunlop Tortex blues (1.0mm?). I'm still on the first one after 3 years, and I found my green (1.06?) that I had been using before it (bought new in 1999).