Unofficial Warmoth forum issues...


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
Hey everybody,

You have probably have noticed that UW has been messed up for a couple weeks now. Squirrely behavior and intermittent outages. Here is the problem, in a nutshell: UW was started on the cheap, with free forum software and shared hosting, and we have now simply outgrown it. As a result, the site goes down every time we exceed the daily, weekly, or monthly data limits place on us by the shared hosting provider. Which in turn frustrates everybody, and disrupts meaningful discussion and posting.

We have already purchased dedicated server space, and UW is in the process of migrating to it as we speak. The process should be complete in the next 24 hours, after which we should no longer be throttled by data limits. We will watch and see if that also corrects the usability problems we have seen. If it does, we will stop there. If it doesn’t, we may upgrade the forum software to XenForo, which is the industry standard forum software.

All avatars and content should transfer over. There may be a few threads lost, depending on the timing of the transfer.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate everybody's patience as we try to get this worked out.

double A
I think most of us would agree, we don't care if some stuff is lost as long as we can still be on this forum. Thanks Double A!
Thanks for the update. I'm sure many were wondering what was happening to the place. Free/shared stuff is great, but it's tough to beat commercial products when you're looking for accountability.
So every post I've made on here has disappeared.... wonderful!

And now I'm back to having to do the Captcha dance. This sucks.
Thanks for keeping us up to date Aaron!

It was kind of funny, but with the board down for a couple of days I was staring to wonder how I would actually contact someone, say Tonar, about something.

I had completely become reliant on this place!
Thanks for the update! I was starting to get a bit concerned about my favorite little corner of the internets!
Much appreciated information. I too was starting to think that one of my favorite places to hang was gone.
