
Unexpectedly GAS'd on a spalt/quilt body today...neck suggestions?

That looks like a gator-skin graphic or something. wow

I definitely vote for all maple or something much darker than the rosewood you have there. something in-between just doesn't pop out the way that guitar needs it.
all pau ferro would be sweet, though I don't know what your price range on the neck is and how much that'd run
ORCRiST said:
I hate, Hate, HATE all things Telecaster (indeed, all things Fender) - but that is a beautiful body and finish!


Hate all things Fender? Fail.
I can understand balking on the Telecaster body style - I felt the same way about them for many years, and still am not impressed with the standard issues of those things. Jaguars and Jazzmasters I can take or leave. But, how can you dislike ALL Fenders? Stratocaster's a fine design, as are their Jazz and Precision basses.
Thanks again for the suggestions!    Not surprisingly, LOTS of different opinions on this one, with most people showing a strong preference for either light, or super-dark woods.    For those that are interested, here's a rough tally so far of those who called out particular woods:

4    Pau Ferro
4    Maple (flame, birdseye or unspecified) 
2    Canary
2    Rosewood
2    Wenge
1    Koa/Zircote

Out of the mockups that Dangerous put together, my favorite is actually the birdseye.  I'm positive that I want to go raw though, so that's going to kick the maples out...go figure.    That leaves me still leaning Pau or Canary, depending on whether I decide to go with the "light" or "dark" camp.  I'll have to mull this one over for a while... can't afford a neck right now (after splurging on the body), so I have some time!
Jmohill said:
 I'll have to mull this one over for a while... can't afford a neck right now (after splurging on the body), so I have some time!

That's what I said too.

Once the body showed up, my willpower dropped and out came the credit card. It took maybe two weeks before I had ordered everything else I needed for the build...
Cagey said:
I can understand balking on the Telecaster body style - I felt the same way about them for many years, and still am not impressed with the standard issues of those things. Jaguars and Jazzmasters I can take or leave. But, how can you dislike ALL Fenders? Stratocaster's a fine design, as are their Jazz and Precision basses.

My "hatred" for Fender is more philosophical then practical. Yes, I do like stratocasters, but hate Fender. I'll explain.

I'm a very visually driven person when it comes to tastes (like most guys). I'm very artistic (paint, pencil, sculpture, and (duh) music). Besides the iconic strat,
I think every Fender design I've ever seen be it bass or guitar is a frickin' plane crash aesthetically (besides, say, something like a Fender Precision Bass which
is just a stratocaster in bass form). I think Telecasters are the anti-christ, I hate the body design almost as much as I hate the condom-tipped headstock.

Oh, I hate Gibsons equally - I think Les Pauls rank right along side the Tele on my haterd scale. I should point out all of the above is based solely on what
they look like vs. what a musician should actually care about in any given guitar: Tone, playability, etc.

My first guitar I ever had was a strat. I loved it. Until I went into my first music store and saw other guitars. I can remember quite vividly picking
up almost any other guitar off the rack being able to play better, faster with much less effort, more comfort and sounded night-and-day better. I can also remember
looking at other strats on the rack and seeing the insane prices the store wanted for them. "For what?!" I asked myself. Their "tremolos" suck, the pickups
suck, the nuts suck, pickguards are stupid, they hum, they buzz, the necks felt huge and bloated (and didn't even have a proper fretboard, they're so cheap
they just pound the frets into the neck!), they went out of tune just by looking at them funny. They couldn't hold a candle next to any Jackson, Ibanez, Kramer,
Charvell, or ESP I layed my eyes on. Thats when I was 15, and my opinions have changed a bit now I'm 38. :)

Granted with age, I've gained a little wisdom. Maybe its because I grew up on metal in the 80's (and lets be honest - when you think 'Metal', 'Fender' is not the
first brand that pops into your mind). Today I appreciate and enjoy the likes of Clapton, Gilmour, and SRV. But I still loathe Fender. They make some great
guitars, but in my opinion, they are no-way, no-how worth the insane prices they charge for the instrument you actually get. Just like Apple, 2/3rds of the price
is for the name only - and to me that equals: rip-off.


I supremely apologize for not posting on-topic, back to our regularly scheduled program - just felt the need to clarify to the people going:
"WTF man, you hate Fender?".  :toothy11:

Jmohill, that body and wood still rock!
I understand. I'm somewhat older than you, and so can sympathize with your experiences, having had to deal with a lot of old Fenders. I've known a couple/few people who've literally smashed a Fender or two... one guy who's smashed a bunch of 'em, mostly for the reasons you mention. I cringe when I hear somebody wanting a "vintage" guitar, or one styled after that era. It blows my mind that anyone would actually want that junk. It has little redeeming value unless you're a museum. They were hell to tune, and wouldn't stay tuned. They were hell to play. They were noisy as county jail on a summer night. The finishes were bland, uninteresting, and poorly applied. Many of the construction techniques left something to be desired, and the hardware design was often worse than amateurish. And those were the good ones. Things went quickly downhill from there.

But, evolution has brought us a long way. Today, a well-built strat is a thing of beauty, especially if you get it from someone other than Fender. They do turn out a good one here and there - I've had some of them - but they're the exception rather than the rule, and they're grossly overpriced.
I'm kinda partial to ziricote, so I'd say howz about rosewood  with ziricote board... :dontknow:
What is it with ebony on koa necks that they feel like they have to fret them ahead of time? There must be a half dozen of them in the showcase right now, and they're all fretted.
The Koa looks great...but I'm definitely going raw, so it's going to get eliminated.  I'm kind of intrigued by the zircote/rosewood (thanks again, Dangerous).    I wish they had a decent looking all-pau neck (or any all-pau neck) on the showcase we could plop on there to see how it looks.  Pretty similar to rosewood, I'd guess?
DesmoDog said:
Jmohill said:
 I'll have to mull this one over for a while... can't afford a neck right now (after splurging on the body), so I have some time!

That's what I said too.

Once the body showed up, my willpower dropped and out came the credit card. It took maybe two weeks before I had ordered everything else I needed for the build...

A few weeks?  I wish... I'm probably looking at a few months!
Jmohill said:
The Koa looks great...but I'm definitely going raw, so it's going to get eliminated.   I'm kind of intrigued by the zircote/rosewood (thanks again, Dangerous).     I wish they had a decent looking all-pau neck (or any all-pau neck) on the showcase we could plop on there to see how it looks.   Pretty similar to rosewood, I'd guess?