
Two simple questions; Tele ferrules and decals


Junior Member
1) Are there any flush-fitting string ferrules available that will go straight onto a Warmoth Tele body?  They look a bit better than the lipped type, but the depth has to be exact.

2) Since Warmoth won't tell me because of their licensing agreement with Fender, what sort of lacquer would I use to fix a waterslide decal onto one of their finished SATIN necks?  It'll probably be a custom decal, since there's no way this is going to pass for a Fender product anyway (greenburst, flame top, ebony neck).

Check out the Callaham site for string ferrules, I think you'll get all the info you require. Warmoth doesn't use lacquer but poly on their neck finishes. When the waterslide decal has thoroughly dried, a light spray of aerosol satin poly should blend the decal in nicely.
check the decal section at micromark.com

Best thing is to use laser water slide decals, with no fixative or softener, put it on over two or three coats of whatever finish you have, and then put on (gently) the same finish, say two or three more coats.

Personally, I like them without decals.  But I've made both.