
Tuxedo Tele

Here's a little action clip!  Please forgive many things about it.  I didn't know I was being filmed; if I had, I would have played a lot more interesting stuff . . . and probably fallen over, or kicked a chord out!  :icon_biggrin:

This is the first time I've seen this one too.. and when I clicked it and saw that first pic, all I could say was G** D***.

That is sooo nice dude  :headbang:
Thanks again guys!

I was thinking a white neckplate with a bowtie engraving, but I haven't been able to find any great source art.  I think that would look great!  Though, I don't think Warmoth sells white neckplates.  It'd be great if they made white hardware like they do black.
Jeez...I can't believe I forgot to post on this.  This guitar is absolutely awesome!  I love the contrasts with the black and white.

Awesome vision and awesome Tele. Love the video too. If Niles Crane (Frasier) ever picked up guitar playing, that's the image I would expect to see.  :icon_thumright: :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright: