
Turquoise Burst Chambered GK synth Tele


Well, it all started with browsing the showcase, as I do just about every night - and there it was, a beautiful flame maple capped, swamp ash chambered tele body.

It was love at first sight - for some reason they are pretty rare in the showcase and last time I saw one, it got snatched before I got around to buying it. Not this time - I told the wife about it, and being the incredible woman she is, promptly told me to order it as an extra late birthday gift. :)




I (im)patiently waited a week for it to show up, while drawing up a sketch;


It arrived and it. was. beautiful:


I promptly bolted it together to try out the acoustic sound of the guitar - while Warmoth makes great parts, sometimes a piece of wood just isn't suitable for a guitar, but thankfully my fears groundless - it sounded GREAT - clear, punchy and defined. I was a bit nervous about the chambering, since Warmoth has changed their chambers since the last time I built a chambered guitar (around 2010), but again, nothing to worry about - just glorious, beautiful resonance.

I spent the next two weeks carefully routing out for a tele control plate (it just looks weird to me without it) and the GK pickup and input plug, and assembling it. However, an unforseen problem arose; being very light (3 pounds, 5 ounces/ 1,5 kg), the guitar was neck heavy - quite a lot, actually. I considered other tuners, but I really like Planet Waves auto trims, so I decided to try to put small weights in a plastic bag and put it on the back strap pin - it turned out that it needed about 150 grams of weight to balance. Not being especially crazy about having a plastic bag with nuts and bolts strapped to my guitar, I found some old lead weights, weighed off about 150 grams, and cast it into a small wood mold I'd improvised. I wrapped it in plastic, screwed this into the control cavity, and it worked out great - the guitar balances great now, and while it is a bit annoying to add extra weight to a guitar, this is still my lightest guitar, at 2.7 kgs.

It looks like this now:


It is a great musical instrument - punchy, clear, light, and really sings - I absolutely love it. I used it for the first time on a gig this weekend, and I'm really digging it. The pickups, Dimarzio Areas (also new for me - I wanted a noiseless stage guitar) are great too - an Area Hot T for the bridge (very punchy and growly) and a set of Area 67s for the neck and middle (very clear and bell like) - highly recommended.
It is quickly becoming my go to guitar, even though I'm spoiled with having two other amazing Warmoth Teles - the white one with Suhr Fletcher Landaus and a Bare Knuckles Flat 50's and the Turquoise with a Dimarzio Area 58 and a Suhr Thornbucker+.


(the other pics show the colour of the Turquoise guitars better - for some reason they're a bit hard to photograph).

All in all, another homerun for Warmoth - the build went great and I absolutely love it. Only thing I have to complain about is the wiring channels for the neck and middle pickups - they're routed before the lam top is put on, and they have very sharp corners - I probably spent an hour trying to fish out the wires for the pickups - an infuriating experience, even for me as a former tech, being used to rewiring hollowbodies - please, Warmoth - you need to re-engineer those wiring channels.

Thanks for reading, and please comment! :)
Very well done looks very good.

I made a tongue in cheek comment in another thread a while back about using weight in a cavity to balance out a neck heavy guitar. Someone mentioned that the weight should be on the upper bout for some reason or other. Anyway, it looks like the weight in the cavity works in practice.
Man what an amazing guitar to behold.  Who made that neck?  It's a beaut, as well. 

+ 1 on those Dimarzio Areas - I have a 54 Pro in the neck and a 67 in the middle of an HSS strat and the tone is juicy and bell-like.  Perfectly Iconic Strat tones.
Thanks a lot, guys! :)

fdesalvo said:
Man what an amazing guitar to behold.  Who made that neck?  It's a beaut, as well. 

+ 1 on those Dimarzio Areas - I have a 54 Pro in the neck and a 67 in the middle of an HSS strat and the tone is juicy and bell-like.  Perfectly Iconic Strat tones.

All 3 guitars have Warmoth necks as well - standard thin, the HS tele has flamed roasted maple, the new one has standard roasted maple, and the white one has birdseye maple - all 9,5" (needed for the GK pickup - although I prefer compound radius), and EVO gold 6150 frets (having hardcore nickel allergy).

Here's a shot of the flamed roasted maple neck, before I made it into HS, and put the Suhr Thornbucker+ in it - and before shaping the headstock. The headstock shape is my own weird little thing - never really liked the tele headstock shape, and the Strat looks too bulky - I make a small cut, and the "Suhr-alike" look is much more to my liking.

GuitaRasmus said:
Thanks a lot, guys! :)

fdesalvo said:
Man what an amazing guitar to behold.  Who made that neck?  It's a beaut, as well. 

+ 1 on those Dimarzio Areas - I have a 54 Pro in the neck and a 67 in the middle of an HSS strat and the tone is juicy and bell-like.  Perfectly Iconic Strat tones.

All 3 guitars have Warmoth necks as well - standard thin, the HS tele has flamed roasted maple, the new one has standard roasted maple, and the white one has birdseye maple - all 9,5" (needed for the GK pickup - although I prefer compound radius), and EVO gold 6150 frets (having hardcore nickel allergy).

Here's a shot of the flamed roasted maple neck, before I made it into HS, and put the Suhr Thornbucker+ in it - and before shaping the headstock. The headstock shape is my own weird little thing - never really liked the tele headstock shape, and the Strat looks too bulky - I make a small cut, and the "Suhr-alike" look is much more to my liking.


Pure Class!!!!
Nice. I still haven't finished my GK stuff and I even have a Yamaha G-50 in the rack here... grrr.
Rgand said:
I like the switch plate on this one. :icon_thumright:

Thanks! I can tell you, it was an absolute bitch to cut out - it's made from 2 or 3 mm stainless steel, so I could polish it up like chrome (which I still haven't gotten around to) - but stainless steel is soooo hard to work with.
GuitaRasmus said:
...but stainless steel is soooo hard to work with. 

No kidding. I remember about 100 years ago bidding on and winning a job to build a control panel for an oil refinery tank farm. Didn't realize the enclosure was stainless steel, or the price would have been a lot different  :laughing7: