
Turqouise Dye color consistency


Junior Member
In research for my next build, i found there seem to be 2 pretty different variations of turqouise dye (all on flame maple), one more bright and one more bluish and getting darker at the edges.
Even from the same sources:

Production line:


Warmoth reference images:

..and see attachment from the pdf.

even the Aaron himself seems to have 2 different ones:

of course now I'm wondering which one to expect if I order a flame maple top with that. What's you're experience?


  • warmoth_turquoise_dye_reference.PNG
    209.5 KB · Views: 116
It's not the dye that varies.

It's the wood.

Wood varies lot. Even two pieces of the same species, two pieces of Flame Maple e.g., can be colored very differently, or hold the dye differently, and change the outcome.

Also, you're comparing two different colors above: Aquamarine Dye and Turquoise Dye. The guitar I'm holding in that first video, where I'm pointing, is Aqua Marine. The one where I'm holding an imaginary pick is Turquoise.

I generally prefer Turquoise Dye.
ChrisMC said:
A lot of people were “dying” to know that.  :toothy10:

Blackbelt-level pun, right there.

Well done.  :bananaguitar:
The Aaron said:
Also, you're comparing two different colors above: Aquamarine Dye and Turquoise Dye. The guitar I'm holding in that first video, where I'm pointing, is Aqua Marine. The one where I'm holding an imaginary pick is Turquoise.
Really? That doesn't look blue to me at all  :icon_biggrin: . In the first 2 pics there is an apuamarine dye too, again totally different.
But that would also lead me to the question: When would the outer edges turn a littler darker an when not?
TheElvis said:
But that would also lead me to the question: When would the outer edges turn a littler darker an when not?

Really? You're going to make me answer a complicated question like that?  :icon_biggrin:

Wait....actually....I did a video on that. Pay attention to the part about Burstovers and Clean Line:


But there is still more to it. On some of our dye finishes, a burst is an inherent part of the finish. On others its not. To get hip to that, you have to check out our finishes page, or maybe contact our CSR's for clarification.

Yes, it's very complicated. That's why the In-Stock Showcase is normally such a great option for those who want to see before buying.
TheElvis said:
But that would also lead me to the question: When would the outer edges turn a littler darker an when not?

Bursted over. The sample pic from Warmoth is a beautiful guitar, but features a few options that may not best show off the finish, there is a masked accent, plus what appears to be a black bursted edge of the turquoise (perhaps to match a black back). This is purely my guess from that relatively tiny sample pic, there are others who can give better insight.
As those are my pictures, I might be qualified to answer :)

The top strat (left) is what Turquoise Dye will usually look like. Keep in mind that Turquoise is the most difficult color to photograph and most of the green is not captured by camera.

Most of the blue color comes from the burst. Both the Velocity and the Soloist that have no burst over will just be the greenish-turquoise color. I remember the Velocity was an odd one when it came through.

If you want the blue burst over, be sure to specify in the notes, especially if you order a clean line or binding on the body (or a clear finish back).
The Aaron said:
On some of our dye finishes, a burst is an inherent part of the finish. On others its not.
now that is a se*y info  :icon_thumright:

Wolff05 said:
The top strat (left) is what Turquoise Dye will usually look like. Keep in mind that Turquoise is the most difficult color to photograph and most of the green is not captured by camera.

Most of the blue color comes from the burst. Both the Velocity and the Soloist that have no burst over will just be the greenish-turquoise color. I remember the Velocity was an odd one when it came through.

If you want the blue burst over, be sure to specify in the notes, especially if you order a clean line or binding on the body (or a clear finish back).
Interesting, as many with a burst on the edges have a clear back. I didn't know a burst over is then still possible.
Thanks a lot for all the insight  :guitarplayer2: