
Tuners for baritone neck


Hero Member
Will the Gotoh sg38s or the vintage style work with fatter baritone strings?  Are the holes big enough?  One better than the other?

Thanks for any input!
I believe the point of a baritone neck is it allows you to use lower tunings without the need for particularly large strings. I can't even begin to imagine the tension of say, a set of .11s on a 28 5/8" scale neck.

But to answer your question most standard tuners are made to take up to a .60 string though I personally wouldn't try more than a .58. Some more unique designs may be more or less limited (I know most Steinberger Firebird-style designs can only take up to a .54 before running into trouble and I think the Planet Waves Auto Trim tuners start throwing a hissy fit if you use more than a .56 - mine struggle with a .52). Vintage style designs are probably a little more flexible.
I had sg38s on a baritone neck that easily took a .065 flatwound.  I believe they're the biggest string-holed (is there a term for that?) tuners you can buy, aside from the vintage style tuners with the open notch at the top.