
Totaly hillarious Alice In Chains promo:

That is hilarious :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing11:
On another note, I can't wait to hear the album...
SustainerPlayer said:
Unta Gleeben Glabben Globben ... RAOTFLMAO!  :icon_biggrin:
Exactly...I was laughing so hard beer came out my nose..

i actually know people like the guy with the fixed gear bike. and they are serious!  :tard: there is a fixed gear bike subculture in buffalo and they wear weird ear rings, well some of them do...
Dude, that's PORTLAND, OR!!!

They reference just about every sub-culture in the Pacific Northwest, and very naturally too.  None of it comes across as "forced" at all, that's why I think it's sooooo dang funny!

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Dude, that's PORTLAND, OR!!!

They reference just about every sub-culture in the Pacific Northwest, and very naturally too.  None of it comes across as "forced" at all, that's why I think it's sooooo dang funny!

from what i've heard about portland buffalo ny seems to have a lot of the same sub cultures. though i don't think i met anyone with the full get up of fancy mustache, full beard, earrings, pant cuffs and fixed gear bikes all those things are around just not normally in that combination.