
top routed musiclander option and pickguard

I built a warmoth musiclander guitar and while its awesome I wish I could have created a Swinger mustang hybrid with the body of the Swinger/ Musiclander and the electronics of a mustang.
Well I guess I suggest that Warmoth offer more options with the musiclander body. It would have more potential if it could be top routed too. 
Nothing's really stopping you - go to custompickguards.com and have your pickguard cut out according to your specs, then get extra-deep pots and stuff, a router, and work it all out.
I'd love to see what you come up with. I doubt Warmoth would sell enough to justify an expansion of their musiclander body options - seems like they sell very few as it is.
its funny you say that cuz I am in the planning stages of building a guitar from scratch. I just recently bought 5 books on different elements of construction  design and finishing. 