
Top mounted Floyd Rose Questions



I’m about to order my first Warmoth build, but I like to do as much research as I can before pulling the trigger. I kinda want a strat akin to the Henrik Danhage Japanese Charvel he use/d. The ones with the snow white body and cream scratchplate, ofc with my own preferences mixed in. I just like the look of the guitar really.


Now, for the bridge.. I both love and hate Floyds. I like how they feel and how they sound, but I hate having to deal with a floating bridge and I’m also not a huge fan of using the trem in general.. I also want to top mount it, but at the same time get it as close to the body as possible. Ideally I'd wanna completely deck it, but I know that might not be an option. I’ll probably go with a “Non Fine Tuner” Floyd on this build and I’ll probably swap out all the parts except the base plate. I also won’t be using a locking nut for this build. Again, I won’t really use the bridge as a trem here.

My question then, really, is all about neck angles, string height, and all that juicy stuff.
I’ve seen some other post on here where someone got an angled neck pocket + the 720 mod and then just shimmed the neck to fit the bridge. Not sure if this would work on a guitar with a scratchplate, as the 720 mod gets the fretboard way close to the body which might get in the way of a scratch plate etc. I just don't know if the normal angled neck pocket is the right choice if I want the bridge low to the body.

So yeah, asking for advice here. Now, I don’t NEED the bridge to be decked, but I want it to be really close to the body regardless... I can just use a trem stop and tighten the springs as long as the feel is right. And I like very low action.

Hope someone here can help me get the right stuff.
Hello and welcome.

A 720 mod will not work with a pickguard.

  • The 720 Mod is available on rear-routed bodies only. It is not available on any body that is configured for a pickguard. Trying to tighten a neck in a 720-modded pocket while a pickguard is in the gap between the body and the overhanging fretboard will cause the fretboard to split off.
  • https://warmoth.com/guitar-body-neck-pockets

A Non Fine tuner rout offered by Warmoth is recessed and will float.

A Floyd non-recessed rout would work, but you would need to ask Warmoth for a pickguard suitable for the NFT as it is wider than a normal Floyd. You could perhaps ask Warmoth sales for a Floyd rout - non recessed and ask them about the possibility of without a neck angle as you want to deck the bridge and use a NFT with the appropriate pickguard.
Another thought would be just to order a body and pickguard for the Floyd Rose NFT and if you do not want it to float just use a trem stopper.

Here are a couple of threads and posts which you may find useful.

A Floyd non-recessed rout would work, but you would need to ask Warmoth for a pickguard suitable for the NFT as it is wider than a normal Floyd. You could perhaps ask Warmoth sales for a Floyd rout - non recessed and ask them about the possibility of without a neck angle as you want to deck the bridge and use a NFT with the appropriate pickguard.

Allright, I honestly thought it would just fit. I'll just stick with the normal Floyd then. The NFT just seemed like a better choice as the Fine Tuners will essentially be redundant as I'm not having a locking nut on this build. Thanks for letting me know, though. That would have been a bummer 😅

The real question here is really about "How high will the bridge float off the body with a regular angled neck pocket?" and "is it better to ask for a non angled and shim it to my own preferences?", as I do not want the bridge to float, or if it has to float due to action issues, I want it to be pretty tight. I'd rather have a bridge that floats a mm than have an action that's too high and not fixable because the bridge is already as low as it gets etc.
Allright, I honestly thought it would just fit. I'll just stick with the normal Floyd then. The NFT just seemed like a better choice as the Fine Tuners will essentially be redundant as I'm not having a locking nut on this build. Thanks for letting me know, though. That would have been a bummer 😅

The real question here is really about "How high will the bridge float off the body with a regular angled neck pocket?" and "is it better to ask for a non angled and shim it to my own preferences?", as I do not want the bridge to float, or if it has to float due to action issues, I want it to be pretty tight. I'd rather have a bridge that floats a mm than have an action that's too high and not fixable because the bridge is already as low as it gets etc.

The NFT will fit the studs, but it is wider and so requires a pickguard suitable for the NFT. Just ask Warmoth for a Warmoth pickguard with custom bridge cut for the NFT, it is an off menu option, as is a recessed rout for the NFT. The recessed routs for the NFT are different from those for OFRs, but that does not apply in this case.

If I were you, which obviously I am not, for what you want to achieve, I would go for a top routed body with a Floyd rout which looks like this. An angled pocket is optional, but I would take the angled pocket. This rout will work for an NFT or OFR.


Next, ask for a pickguard custom cut to fit a Floyd Rose NFT, just add it to your order notes or liaise with Warmoth sales. Refer them to this post if needed.

You can always use a reverse shim if it has a little too much float. I am not going to say how much it will have as there will be variables involved.
Warmoth's non recessed floyd route has a ~1 degree neck angle which puts the bridge flat on the top of the body. The NFT floyd is wider but from memory it is not significant enough that the pickguard wont fit around it. I would confirm that with Warmoth though.

Edit to add, DO NOT order the 720 mod for a pickguard build, you will break the neck installing it.
Warmoth's non recessed floyd route has a ~1 degree neck angle which puts the bridge flat on the top of the body. The NFT floyd is wider but from memory it is not significant enough that the pickguard wont fit around it. I would confirm that with Warmoth though.

Edit to add, DO NOT order the 720 mod for a pickguard build, you will break the neck installing it.

Factually, a pickguard for an OFR will not fit around an NFT with much tolerance. The custom cut pickguard is required for the NFT. Adapting an existing pickguard is also not good, as one of the screw holes on the bass side would be in the middle of where you need to cut to widen it.

Non compatibility of the 720 rout was mentioned in post 2.

I posted this link earlier.

  • Non-Fine Tuner Floyd Rose Tremolo (stud mount only, and requires a Warmoth pickguard with custom bridge cut)
Ref: https://warmoth.com/guitar-bridge-routs emphasis added.

The "pickguard required" also applies or is advisable if using an NFT in a non-recessed rout.
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Factually, a pickguard for an OFR will not fit around an NFT. The custom cut pickguard is required for the NFT. Adapting an existing pickguard is also not good, as one of the screw holes on the bass side would be in the middle of where you need to cut to widen it.

Non compatibility of the 720 rout was mentioned in post 2.

I posted this link earlier.

The "pickguard required" also applies if using an NFT in a non-recessed rout.
Thanks for the clarification. I thought that was only in relation to the recess routes being different. Since this fella wants to have it as a non-recessed bridge, the standard floyd pickguard would fit.
@StianS it sounds like you want something akin to an EVH setup, where the bridge is top mounted but sits flush against the top. As you can see by the conversation so far, that puts you in a gray area as far Warmoth's range of options go.

Getting the results you are after is going to require ordering some off-menu things and/or going against our recommendations, e.g. getting a flat neck pocket with a top mounted Floyd. Be aware that doing any of those things mean you are on your own if something goes cattywampus, and the parts would not be returnable.

I agree with @stratamania that the best solution might be to order a recessed Floyd and then use a trem-stopper. It's what I do, and it works very well.
Thanks for the clarification. I thought that was only in relation to the recess routes being different. Since this fella wants to have it as a non-recessed bridge, the standard floyd pickguard would fit.

Okay, I have both types of pickguard here and a couple of NFTs. I have just checked both of the pickguards here against an actual NFT.

An OFR pickguard without a recess for an NFT could just work, but with a very fine tolerance, so not really a guaranteed good fit if anything was out of alignment or some other variable.

I would still recommend, even without a recess, using the Custom cut pickguard to be on the safer side. And it is absolutely needed when there is a recess.

I edited the above post to take this into account.
I used a tremel-no, but for some reason it got stuck. I just leave it as a hard tail now, so probably, the best solution is the trem stopper.
Allright. I think have got most of the info I wanted. Much appreciated, guys!

I'm gonna go for an OFR. It doesn't really matter that much, and since I'm gonna be swapping out just about every part on this bridge, I could just go with an OFR base plate, sold separately, and save some money there. Other FR trems are out of the question, though.

I'm also just gonna run with the normal angled pocket and shim it to preference if needed. (EDIT: As in, the angled pocket that comes as standard with a non-recessed FR Rout)
The only question I have regarding this is if I will be able to use the predrilled/slotted shims, or if I need to drill them myself. As they come at an angle and could potentially be pushed out by the pressure of neck against body in the pocket. Like I have no idea if this is an issue at all. Normally that would be pushed into the neck pocket because of the angle, but for all i know it might just sit there regardless. Not a huge issue though, I'll drill the holes myself if i need to.

As I said previously, I don't need the bridge to be completely decked, I can use a Trem-stop if needed and I will be ordering one. I'll probably have to use it regardless. I know there are tollerances to warmoth's (and everyone else's) neck angles and all that, but unless I'm really lucky I'll have to use a Trem-stop of some kind. I won't be using a tremol-no, though, as I want to use a chonky brass claw in there. This floyd might get heavy, but I can just swap parts to preference if needed. I kinda have a vision, and I know I have to try it or I won't have peace of mind haha.

But again, thank you for all the input!
Allright. I think have got most of the info I wanted. Much appreciated, guys!

I'm gonna go for an OFR. It doesn't really matter that much, and since I'm gonna be swapping out just about every part on this bridge, I could just go with an OFR base plate, sold separately, and save some money there. Other FR trems are out of the question, though.

I'm also just gonna run with the normal angled pocket and shim it to preference if needed. (EDIT: As in, the angled pocket that comes as standard with a non-recessed FR Rout)
The only question I have regarding this is if I will be able to use the predrilled/slotted shims, or if I need to drill them myself. As they come at an angle and could potentially be pushed out by the pressure of neck against body in the pocket. Like I have no idea if this is an issue at all. Normally that would be pushed into the neck pocket because of the angle, but for all i know it might just sit there regardless. Not a huge issue though, I'll drill the holes myself if i need to.
do you mean the pre drilled neck screws and a neck plate? If so, nah, you don't need to worry about it. 1° (degree) ain't enough to be of concern. you probably can't even see a 1° angle on a neck pocket with your naked eyes
do you mean the pre drilled neck screws and a neck plate? If so, nah, you don't need to worry about it. 1° (degree) ain't enough to be of concern. you probably can't even see a 1° angle on a neck pocket with your naked eyes
I mean if I am to reverse shim the neck pocket, the shims often have pre-drilled holes/slots in them that look like this:
So my question is if the pressure of mounting the neck on top of this, when the shim is set with the highest point at the head stock side of the neck pocket, if it will move and be pushed out. Normally the thicker side of the shim is at the body side of the neck pocket, so it won't have anywhere to go as it would just be pushed into the body. But I assume it's not enough of an angle to actually get pushed out. Just me overthinking shit, I guess.