
Tommy Emmanuel pickin' a reel

The really good players always do. Comes from practice, which the not-so-good players rarely do.
Cagey said:
The really good players always do. Comes from practice, which the not-so-good players rarely do.

+1 to that Cagey!

When the local PBS station is fundraising, they roll out the Tommy Emmanuel shows, and I have to watch. Not exactly my favorite type of music, but there's no denying a guitar player with stellar technique.

No matter what style you prefer to play, there's always something to learn from any guitar player, regardless of style.
A thing ANYONE could learn from Tommy is his enthusiasm for the music and especially a guitar..... despite all the years of playing in public, some not-so-good gigs and on occasions where he hasn't been too healthy, he's always tried to play 100%. He rarely gets riled, and is 99.9% of the time a good inspiration when you meet him.

Plus he seems to have a sly grin or smile most of the time.

I'm not a country fan so the finger pickin' stuff and the classical/acoustic stuff is not my cup of tea, but Tommy as a player, is a brilliant inspiration and a great person to boot. His rock & contemporary music work has gone barely unnoticed these days, but back in the 1980s he was THE MAN to go to if you wanted rock riffs recorded quickly. Lots of his electric guitar work featured in ads, radio promos, background music, songs of original artists etc.
Nightclub Dwight said:
Chet Atkins personally titled Tommy a "certified guitar player."  It can't get much better than that.

Yes, he's one of the few bestowed with that title by Chet....only 3 I think have/had it......And Tommy is mightily proud of the title too (even though he has an Order of Australia too).

William Thomas Emmanuel, A.M., C.G.P.   Impressive, eh?  :icon_thumright: