
To Clone and call it Your Own?

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Street Avenger said:
stratamania said:
Street Avenger said:
stratamania said:
Tom Anderson and John Suhr, both have manufacturing faciliities and both are doing original designs albeit based on traditional S and T type shapes for example but those guitars really are in a different league.

You could not take a Suhr neck and put it on a Fender or an Anderson or vice versa, those things are not partscasters.

I dont think that is a fair comparison to someone putting a Warmoth together and putting a logo on it.
It's absolutely a fair comparison. Both Anderson and Suhr offer Fender Strat copies that look nearly identical to a Fender Strat minus the headstock shape. If's no different from what I've done with my Warmoth Strat. I built a Strat that looks like a Strat, but with all the custom and modern features I want. I then put my name on the headstock.

Both are not identical other than the headstock shape or "copies". Similar is not identical. Also they are not putting them together out of Warmoth parts and both have numerous innovations in their construction methods and levels of QC.

It is far from an absolutely fair comparison but if you are convinced that it is then we will have to agreee to disagree.
That's just ridiculous. You obviously haven't looked at their catalog. I don't care who's "parts" they are using to build them. Why would it have to be Warmoth parts??  My point stands strong. They make Strat copies just like hundreds of others. They are of a higher quality than the average manufacturer (as well as more expensive).

Of course I have looked at thier catalogue.

It doesnt have to be Warmoth parts but you yourself said :-

If's no different from what I've done with my Warmoth Strat. I built a Strat that looks like a Strat, but with all the custom and modern features I want. I then put my name on the headstock.

Both Suhr and Tom Anderson, don't build from parts they cut their own wood. Unless you count some hardware such as bridges.

"My point stands strong. "

To you of course it does but like I said we will have to agree to disagree as I do not along with many others agree with you.

"They make Strat copies just like hundreds of others.

That really depends on how you define a copy.

The body shapes may be derivative but they are not identical. Those body shapes have been ruled legally to be generic shapes in any case.

I would define a copy as something trying to pass itself off as identical and possibly of cheaper origin.

If you define copy as anything remotely similar regardless of differences then that perhaps is the origin of your point. 

"They are of a higher quality than the average manufacturer (as well as more expensive)."

Agreed they are of a significantly higher quality. So therefore one would expect them to cost more.

Hilarious! So since I don't carve my own bodies and necks (to look just like a Fender Strat), my point is not valid??  Your comments are absolutely ridiculous.
Street Avenger said:
Hilarious! So since I don't carve my own bodies and necks (to look just like a Fender Strat), my point is not valid??  Your comments are absolutely ridiculous.

OK now that is totally out of order.

I have answered you diplomatically and with courtesy.

You either are not interested in friendly discourse or wanting to try to understand any point but your own. Or you are trolling.

Have a nice day.

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