
This tone, I wants it.

There's a fine line between stating that you don't like something and bashing someone else's tastes. While I can think of no constructive reason to directly put down something you know someone else likes, I can think of a perfectly good reason not to. If people feel like their tastes and opinions are going to be belittled when they talk, it's going to discourage them from participating in any discussion. And this guy is a fairly new member at that. You might as well put up a sign that says "Long haired freaky people need not apply" or some stupid s*** like that telling people that if they're different, we don't want them here.
It's just a habit of people on message boards. Does seem kind of funny since the topic wasn't about the music, it was about the tone. But everyone should realize that if you put a video up of something, you're going to get opinions - whether they're wanted or not. Some people really need to let you know that something sucks hahaha. ;)
dNA said:
There's a fine line between stating that you don't like something and bashing someone else's tastes. While I can think of no constructive reason to directly put down something you know someone else likes, I can think of a perfectly good reason not to. If people feel like their tastes and opinions are going to be belittled when they talk, it's going to discourage them from participating in any discussion. And this guy is a fairly new member at that. You might as well put up a sign that says "Long haired freaky people need not apply" or some stupid s*** like that telling people that if they're different, we don't want them here.

Opinions are fine and I fully respect them. Imagine how boring this world would be if everyone had the same opinion about everything. However, stating your opinion as fact is something that bothers me. Your opinion has never been and will never be a fact, it's always your own view of things. It's not like I can't take criticism of a band I like, I even agree with some answers here from an objective standpoint. Like them being monotone. They are, but with subtle changes throughout the song. For some people, that's boring, for some people it's like waiting for the next small treat here and there. It's all a matter of opinion.

To take a few examples;

line6man said:
Sorry, I'm going to have to agree with this.
That kind of tone sounds very easy to achieve, and that video bored me to death, musically. :dontknow:

He gets bored by the video and the music and that's perfectly fine with me. No music fits everyone. It's his opinion and that's not something I can argue with, maybe he's into technical death metal while I'm not.

Cagey said:
The music isn't worth a second listen, or even all of a first. But, it's the tone he was talking about. This stuff was just an example.

This however, is a flat out statement. "This music is so bad that it's barely anything to listen to in the first place."
How do you think it would look if everyone stated their opinions as facts? How do you think a discussion would fold out if no one was allowed his own personal opinion? I respect your view, but your view isn't everyones, and as long as it isn't, it's not fact.

Now, to get on-topic again, I think I've found what I've searched for. Also, thanks to you Cagey I found out what I wanted about split humbuckers and Super Turbo Deluxe Custom told me pretty much the rest of it. Maybe that's the "magic" of it for me, it's just a simple, non-tweaked, bland tone, because the tone isn't what's important. However, seeing as I'm very unexperienced when it comes to guitars (and especially tone) I needed some answers which I got, and I'm satisfied.

P.S. Those kittens were really cute. Think you can add a unicorn and a rainbow to that picture? Pretty please?  :sad:

I didn't read all that, but I liked the music. The tone was standard fender through fender.
From what I've found, split humbuckers rarely sound as good as a standard single coil. Part of it is what Cagey said about one coil from a humbucker being weaker than your average SC. And going on that, it's usually the higher output humbuckers that end up having nice split sounds - vintage output pups sound really weak when split. But when you split a high output humbucker you have the problem of volume loss - the split signal is generally quite a bit weaker than the humbucker. And on top of that, you're probably going to EQ your sound to best suit the standard humbucking sound. When you split it, you change the tone a lot and I think it's just one of those situations where there's always going to be a compromise. There's a lot of pickup manufacturers trying to give you the best of both worlds, but if somebody was actually doing it everybody would be using their products. I think if you want a real single coil sound, use a real single coil and go from there.
Could that tone be achieved using split humbuckers?

Yes it could but as dNA has explained that means setting your amp up for the split coil sound, switching over to full humbucker would require resetting the amp's settings.

I take it you have a splittable humbucker, like this tone from Toe and want to know if it is achievable with what you have?
OzziePete said:
Could that tone be achieved using split humbuckers?

Yes it could but as dNA has explained that means setting your amp up for the split coil sound, switching over to full humbucker would require resetting the amp's settings.

I take it you have a splittable humbucker, like this tone from Toe and want to know if it is achievable with what you have?

Well, I'm working on a new guitar and planned on eventually having a pair of DiMarzio's but I was wondering if it was maybe worth getting a splittable humbucker. However, from the information provided, I think I'll refrain from it and get a good pair of humbuckers and get a real singlecoil in the future instead.  :)
dNA said:
There's a fine line between stating that you don't like something and bashing someone else's tastes. While I can think of no constructive reason to directly put down something you know someone else likes, I can think of a perfectly good reason not to. If people feel like their tastes and opinions are going to be belittled when they talk, it's going to discourage them from participating in any discussion. And this guy is a fairly new member at that. You might as well put up a sign that says "Long haired freaky people need not apply" or some stupid s*** like that telling people that if they're different, we don't want them here.

I meant no offence, I like a lot of bands that others consider boring...
Marko said:
dNA said:
There's a fine line between stating that you don't like something and bashing someone else's tastes. While I can think of no constructive reason to directly put down something you know someone else likes, I can think of a perfectly good reason not to. If people feel like their tastes and opinions are going to be belittled when they talk, it's going to discourage them from participating in any discussion. And this guy is a fairly new member at that. You might as well put up a sign that says "Long haired freaky people need not apply" or some stupid s*** like that telling people that if they're different, we don't want them here.

I meant no offence, I like a lot of bands that others consider boring...

None taken. As said before, people have different opinions. You find my taste boring, maybe I find your taste boring. However, as said, stating your opinion as a fact is a different thing. You didn't do that and I fully respect your opinion and taste. Though I don't think you'd like it either if someone blatantly said that your taste of music is barely worth listening to. It's like going to an art gallery and tell the painter that his work is crap, you just don't do that. You can voice an opinion and say it's not in your liking, but stating your opinion as a fact is a completely different thing.

So please, don't think that you did anything wrong, because you certainly didn't.
Facts are not always facts. When you're discussing subjective things there are no such things as facts except within an individual's reality. For example, to me, it's a fact that rap "music" is not music at all, since there are rarely any musical instruments, melody, tonal intricacies or anything of that sort involved. But, one could argue effectively that the voices and emotions involved are the instruments, and the non-stop hollering, bitching, threatening and confessing are the composition. The individual who comes up with that punishing garbage will say it's a fact that he's created something artistic. Who's right? I am, of course. I mean, we can't both be wrong, and I know I'm not, so... <grin>

But, that carries forward to many things. One man's magical tone is another man's defective setup. What one person considers loud is nothing compared to what a flight deck officer on an aircraft carrier or Ted Nugent's roadies considers loud. The stultifying cheese spread by ColdPlay for one person sounds like the 5th level of hell for one, but the perfect form of entertainment for, say, your average Canadian <grin>

So, when discussing tone or musical quality, you always have to take into consideration the other person's perspective. Regardless of how they present their evaluations, they're generally not facts. They're opinions. You have to understand their background, experience, tastes and desires before you decide for yourself whether what they're presenting has any value. And that is where internet forums often fall apart. You often don't know who you're talking to, or where they're coming from. You're going purely by what's written. If that person isn't a well-trained writer, it's very easy for them to create an impression completely disconnected from what they intended. For instance, for all anybody here knows, I could be Jeff Beck or Brian May. Would I then be wrong if I said something sounded like the elimination of feces resulting from a burrito dinner? <grin>
Avram: Wait a minute Tevye. He's right, and  he's right? How can they both be right?
Tevye: You know, you are also right.
mmarino92 said:
Avram: Wait a minute Tevye. He's right, and  he's right? How can they both be right?
Tevye: You know, you are also right.

Classic..... :icon_biggrin: