
This tone, I wants it.


Senior Member
Been listening to a lot of Toe recently and I absolutely love their clean tones. I'm guessing singlecoils are needed for such a tone, but would it maybe be possible with a split humbucker wiring?

Here's a sample of their tone.
Wow really cool, can't believe I've never heard of these guys before, I love this kind of music. :icon_jokercolor: Check out the band "Giraffes? Giraffes!". My friend introduced me a month or two ago, fantastic.
As for the tone, I'm going to go with you and say  to my ears that's got the sparkle that only a single coil can give.

well the one guy is playing a Tele into a Fender of some kind - probably a deluxe reverb

the other guy is playing what looks like some old Ovation electic - - so it could have singles or not - -can't really see well enough.

it could be one of these:


Honestly I don't hear anything particularly amazing about the clean tone. Sounds like a nice clean tone made by two guitarists. At least one of them is using single coil pickups. The amps matter a lot too.
GoDrex said:
well the one guy is playing a Tele into a Fender of some kind - probably a deluxe reverb

the other guy is playing what looks like some old Ovation electic - - so it could have singles or not - -can't really see well enough.

it could be one of these:


Honestly I don't hear anything particularly amazing about the clean tone. Sounds like a nice clean tone made by two guitarists. At least one of them is using single coil pickups. The amps matter a lot too.

Yep, that seems pretty much it for the tone.

Though, maybe the Fender amp is a Twin Reverb?

The guitarist using the old Ovation (yeah I think it's a Viper - they have a single coil set up very similar to the Strat, bridge pickup straight through to jack, tone control on neck and middle pickup if a 3 pickup variant) is also using an Orange amp but it's miked by what looks like a Sennheiser MD421.

i love this kind of stuff. I've been hunting after those jangly kind of indie-rock guitar tones for years and i think 99.9 percent of the time it's a Fender.
Having just gotten my tele assembled (my first guitar in the Fender style) and playing in the last two days, I have to say I think it's a combination of the single coil pickups and the style of guitar. The guitar unplugged sounds more like that kind of sound than any electric i've owned up until now. Don't know if it's the maple neck, the 25.5" scale, or the bolt on construction, but it's definitely that kind of guitar.

I have also played my hollowbody through a nice fender twin and was amazed at how clear and open (and a little thin, actually) the tone was compared to what i was used to.

you would probably like Appleseed Cast. I think on the surface they can sound a little monotonous, but if you really listen to their songs a few times there's so many subtle dimensions to it. and they're just that classic 4-piece format of bass drums guitar guitar
Vintage wound/under wound single coils with alnico magnets for the pups in a Strat along with an amp that stays very clear like a Roland Chorus amp.  :icon_thumright:
I am not hearing it.....
but then again, I was never really into jangly indie music....  also this sounded pretty monotone and boring to me..
Marko said:
I am not hearing it.....
but then again, I was never really into jangly indie music....  also this sounded pretty monotone and boring to me..

The music isn't worth a second listen, or even all of a first. But, it's the tone he was talking about. This stuff was just an example.
Cagey said:
Marko said:
I am not hearing it.....
but then again, I was never really into jangly indie music....  also this sounded pretty monotone and boring to me..

The music isn't worth a second listen, or even all of a first. But, it's the tone he was talking about. This stuff was just an example.

Well, all to himself when it comes to taste, but I love this kind of music, and I fully respect people who don't think it fits them. However, please be a bit more gentle when "trash talking" genres of music you don't like. Your post sounds like a flat-out statement of fact.

Though, as you say, this is about their tone. Being a guitar-noob I wondered if I would be able to get a similar tone using split humbuckers or if it would only work with "real" singlecoils.
In my experience, split humbuckers never sound that great as single coils. They're typically wound lighter, because you have two coils in series. Knock one off, and the remaining one won't have the kind of output you might expect. But, some people like really weak single coils. If you're one of those, maybe they'd sound good to you. Do you like weak single coils? Should I be offended if you do? If you don't, please be gentle when you describe why they aren't your first choice. Otherwise, you might offend my tender sensibilities and make me cry. Oh, wait. I don't like weak single coils, either. Well, it's not that I don't like them - they're really, really super keen - but they don't work as well for me because of the tone and output level. Was that gentle enough for you? Wait... here's' some kittens and sunshine...


Lemme know if you need any unicorns and rainbows <grin>
Dude, seriously? What the fudge's the point of that kind of attitude on a social forum?
What attitude? He wants gentle; we're obliged to give it to him. It's a social forum.
Cagey said:
What attitude? He wants gentle; we're obliged to give it to him. It's a social forum.

Well, it would be nice to be humble to people once in a while, but if that's not your thing, fine by me. Have a good day, sir.
That clean tone sounds easily acheivable.  Not really bright at all, just a little reverb.

That tone isn't really gear specific, IMO.  It could be done with any number of guitars on any number of amps.  A sound that bland, for lack of better word, is usually a starting point for most to begin tweaking with.

For the kind of band and music that is, I imagine they are not gearheads consumed and distracted with the highs, mids, and lows and idiosyncracies of amps and pickups.  They just do it with what they have.
I kind of like the music and would actually love to play in a band similar to that. The drummer is very good and that's half the battle for me.
Marko said:
this sounded pretty monotone and boring to me..
Cagey said:
The music isn't worth a second listen, or even all of a first.

Sorry, I'm going to have to agree with this.
That kind of tone sounds very easy to achieve, and that video bored me to death, musically. :dontknow:
i thought it was pretty relaxing music, the kind of stuff you can just put on and plop down in bed with a good book and relax to. I agree it wasn't anything mind blowing but not all music/tone has to be. I certainly don't think it's deserving of the tone snobbery and ass hattery that seems to be more and more prevalent on this board.